Part 11

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"You should ask him," Bella said. Then that got me thinking if I ask Jasper will he go with me nevermind he will say no. Especially after he saw what I did to his brother he must think I'm a freak.

"Your a strong independent woman," Bella said

"I am," Angela said

"Yes, you are," I said as they both looked at me with a smile,

"Can you zip me up," Jessica said. Then Jacob came over with Quil and Embry.

I ran towards them ready to jump on them but Jacob moved out the way while I landed on Embry and Quil laughing.

"Hey guys," I said looking down laughing. Embry and Quil had a confused look until they realize it was me they tackled me back in to a big hug.

"SKY," Embry and Quil said

"The one and only," I said with a smile. Jacob shook his head as he walked towards Bella.

"Bella," Jocab said. Me, Embry and Quil stood up with a smirk on are face as we see Jocab talk to Bella.

"Hi Jacob, Guys this is Jocab," Bella said to Jessica and Angela. Then Quil and Embry turned around and looked at me.

"You don't even visit anymore," Embry said with a pout

"Im sorry I been busy and Jacob didn't say anything about a little get together," I said while glaring at Jacob. Then Jacob sat next to Bella. Me, Quil, and Embry looked at each other laughing as Jacob glared at us.

"You like stalking me," Bella said as I rolled my eyes while laughing.

"Your on my bays, remember," Jacob said

"Are bays," I said crossing my arms giving him the look. Jacob rolled his eyes.

"So are you surfing," Jacob asked Bella

"definitely not," Bella said. Then Jacob looked at me I shook my head no.

"You guys should keep Bella and Sky company," Jessica said Oh no don't say it these boys act like my bothers they are super protective.

"There date bailed," Jessica said. Embry and Quil turned there head to look at me as I avoided their eye contact.

"What date," Eric said

"They invited Edward and Jasper," Jessica said. Oh my god can she shut up.

"It was to be polite," Bella said

"I think it's nice they invited them, Nobody ever does," Angela said

"Yeah cause the Cullens are freaks," Mike said

"You got that right," Embry said. I elbowed him on his side.

"Oww," He said.

"so are you going to tell me about Jasper," Quil said as Embry nodded his head as they walked closer to me. I started to back up slowly.

"You guys know them," Bella said. Quil and Embry turned around which I'm glad about as I started walking away faster a little away from them but I'm still able to hear.

"The Cullens don't come here," Embry said. Oh yeah, I forgot Billy told me that. Then they turned around and noticed I was gone.

"Sky come back here," Quil said

"NO," I said while running. Soon Embry and Quil were chasing me around as Bella and Jacob were walking the beach. I started to think about the tribe story that Billy used to tell me about the wolfs without me realizing I was slowing down until I was tackled to the floor by Embry as Quil ran over. They held my hands and legs down so I don't move.

"Are you guys serious," I said

"Yes, now tell us," Embry said

"Fine, but let me go," I said

"Nope," Quil said

"Agggg, I like a guy in my school," I said

"We know that now which one Edward or Jasper," they said

"Jasper," I whisper as my cheeks turned red.

"You know Billy don't want us to be with the Cullens," Quil said

"I forgot about that, but hey Billy is not my dad, anyway its too late for that," I said with a frown. I'm already in love with Jasper I said in my head. They pulled me in a hug.

"We just want you to be happy don't forget you're like a sister to us," Embry said as Quil nodded.

"Yeah I know," I said with a smile as they smile back as we stood up brushing are clothes. Soon things started to come together in my head why Jasper said am I okay that he's cold, they never eat, how Jasper got to me so fast, then Billy story. Is Jasper a cold one. He can't be right its just a story Billy might have been joking, I thought.

"Sky," Quil said. I looked up not realizing I spaced out.

"Are you okay," Embry said

"Yeah, I'm cool let's go its time to leave," I said while running ahead as they followed me.

We got to the house. I took my shower and put my pajamas on ready to go to bed until I heard a knock at the door.

"Come in," I said. Bella walked in.

"Hey, do you have a book called Quileute tribe: A history and border?"Bella asked

"Why you interested in that, Billy used to tell me those storys," I said

Sky Swan (Jasper love story)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora