Dissociative Identity Disorder (3)

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This is the last part about DID I promise! I'll move on to other disorders soon :)

Also new trigger warning for this chapter: kidnapping.

Keith wasn't sure where he was. The room was pitch black and he couldn't move any of his limbs. He tried and tried to struggle but he was rendered frozen into place. Tears filled his eyes and, soon enough, they were dripping down his face onto the floor of wherever he was. "Is there anyone there?" He questioned, voice trembling. Realising he was never going to get a response, he burst into tears. He really wanted to be back on the Castle of Lions with Lance, Shiro and, most importantly, Bunsy Bun.

"Well, well, well. What do we have here?" A loud, booming voice said before the light flickered on in the room. Keith was finally able to see but he wished he could go back to the naivety that came with pitch blackness. He was chained up and a large Galran guard was walking right in his direction, holding a blade.

Keith wanted to curl up on his bed back on the Castle of Lions, making himself as small as possible so that no one could hurt him. He wanted to go home.

"We caught the red paladin. I wonder what Voltron would be prepared to do to get you back. Maybe they could hand over the black lion? Or... maybe they just won't come back for you and then I can spend the rest of my life torturing you."

Keith whimpered, choking out a tiny, "I wanna go home..."

The Galran guard raised his eyebrows, leaning forward. "What did you just say?"

"I wanna go home."

"So pathetic. How can someone like you defend the universe? You're weak and useless. You're acting like a child. How about we get started then, huh? Don't worry, I won't let you die. First, I think we should get that armour off you. It's a bit restricting, if you know what I mean."

Keith didn't know what he meant but he didn't care because, as soon as the Galran leaned forward and began to cut off his armour, all he could see were his foster parents. The blade hadn't even touched his skin but he was already screaming so much that his throat was growing hoarse. Tears streamed down his skin as he remembered all of the things he had tried to hard to repress. "Let me go, please! I can't do this again!" He yelled, so loudly that the guard stumbled backwards with eyebrows raised high.

"I haven't even hurt you yet, paladin. At least wait until there's blood to start screaming. Breaking you isn't going to be so fun if you're already broken."

Keith couldn't even hear the guard anymore. He could only hear his own screaming and the sound of the kettle and- something pricked him and his eyes lulled shut.


"Can you hear me? Keith? Hello?" Keith's eyes flickered open at the sound of familiar voices. He tried to lift his head but someone forced it back down with some worried murmurs. "You're safe. You're back on the Castle of Lions. We just need to put you in a healing pod, just in case. It doesn't look like you're hurt but we have to take the precaution."

"Shiro..?" Keith mumbled, heavy eyes trying to find him. His head soon appeared above him and he smiled down at the red paladin, assuring him that everything was going to be okay.

"Just stay strong for me, okay? You should be out within a few varga."

"I wanna go home..."

"You are home, okay? You're safe." That was the last thing Keith heard before he was pushed into a healing pod and he passed out.


Lance was there when Keith fell out of the pod. He immediately glanced up at Lance with furrowed eyebrows, trying to get his bearings. It looked like he was in the medbay of the Castle of Lions but there was a massive hole in his memory. He couldn't remember how he had got into a healing pod. "Lance? What happened?" He asked, keeping as close to the blue paladin as possible.

"You- Don't you remember?"

"No? Did I train too much again or something?"

Keith studied the sad expression on Lance's face but it didn't trigger anything. "Yeah, yeah, something like that."


Whilst Keith didn't remember what had happened, Tommy sure did. That was made apparent when Tommy made an appearance one night. Keith had just started to shake in Lance's arms, curling up so he could make himself smaller. "Keith? You alright?" He asked, just to be met with soft whimpers as replies. "Hey, tell me what happened. What were you thinking about?"

"Don't touch me. Please. I'm so sorry. I'm really scared. I wanna go home." Keith was rambling in small whispers, so quietly that Lance had to strain to make out the words. Once he began to rub Keith's back, Keith uncurled a little bit to look up at him.

"You're on the Castle of the Lions. You're home, okay Tommy? Do you want me to get Bunsy Bun for you? And Shiro? I know how much you love Shiro."

Keith just nodded.

"Okay, I'll be back in a second. I'll run."

Keith nodded again so Lance scrambled up. First, he grabbed Bunsy Bun from the wardrobe and tossed it to Keith who caught it with a small smile on his face. Then, he raced out of the room and started to shout for Shiro who quickly came running. Once they were both in Keith's room, they squished together on his bed and wrapped their arms around him. Keith's arms were wrapped around his rabbit whilst he buried his head into Lance's side.

"Are you going to send me back?" Keith whimpered, fiddling with Bunsy Bun's ears just so his hands had something to do. Lance was rubbing his side whilst Shiro was running his hands through his hair, both actions considerably grounding Keith. "You sent me back, didn't you? Keith promised you wouldn't do that."

"We won't send you back, alright kid? We love you and we don't want you to get hurt. You just got captured on a mission but we rescued you as quickly as we could. We protected you in the end, just like we promised you we would." Shiro's voice was so soft that Keith found himself melting into it, his eyelids growing heavier by the second.

"Will you stay here if I sleep? I don't want to lose you again..."

"Of course we will." Lance responded that time, turning his head to press a gentle kiss to Keith's cheek. Keith's cheeks flushed as he shifted his position to get comfortable. Shiro couldn't help the small laugh that escaped his lips once Keith had pressed his head right into Lance's side and draped his legs over Shiro.

"Getting comfy, aren't you?"

Keith hummed a tired response before closing his eyes.


"Do I want to know how I ended up here?" Keith murmured as he sat up, just to find he was being cuddled by Shiro and Lance. He squinted his eyes, attempting to figure out what may have happened.

"Tommy had a bit of a... breakdown last night. We comforted him and he wanted to sleep with us so we let him." Shiro explained, patting Keith's head out of instinct. The red paladin moved away from the touch, glaring at his two friends.

"I'm not Tommy. I don't know about him but I hate being touched."

"Sure, you do buddy." Lance laughed, making Keith roll his eyes and shake his head.

"You're lucky you're my best friends or I would be fighting you by now."

A Brief Enquiry Into Klance DisordersWhere stories live. Discover now