twenty three

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silent treatment

I was dressed up in a tight dress ready for this engagement party

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I was dressed up in a tight dress ready for this engagement party. It made me feel uncomfortable, it was white like a wedding dress but this time much more slimmer. I was in this small room upstairs, in my moms house. She had found me after Changbin left. I slept the night and now I have to go downstairs. This was it. I was sick to my stomach. I wanted to get out of this. I wanted Felix.

A woman walked in and smiled at me
"This way, everyone is waiting," she stated.

I took a deep breath and stood up, trying to pull down my dress, it was too short for me.
It wasn't even the wedding, I wonder what my dress will be for that, we walked down the stairs and I saw loads of people, some familiar faces but I didn't know most of them.
"Ah she is here!" A voice called out. I looked up to see my father beaming a fake smile at me. I scoffed. All for their Image. As I turned my head I noticed Yoongi appear and he was dressed up in a tight suit. I guess tight clothes was his thing. I had to agree that It suited him though.

He walked up to me and put his arm out for me to grab hold of. I didn't want to hold it so I just pretended like I didn't see it and carried on walking down the stairs. Everyone was watching us so I think he got a bit annoyed, causing him to quickly walk forward and put his whole arm around my waist instead. Great. Just what I wanted. I thought sarcastically.

My eyes scanned the crowd when I found myself looking into the eyes of Felix

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My eyes scanned the crowd when I found myself looking into the eyes of Felix. My heart leaped at looking at him. Why was he here, he told me to leave because it hurt but wouldn't this hurt more? He wasn't really looking at me actually, he was looking more at Suga next to me. Did he know him? I notice him get suddenly angry and tried leaping forward at him, but then I saw another familiar face grab him to hold him back.

I don't think Yoongi had noticed him yet, I didn't know what went on between them but judging by Felix's face I was glad. Everyone else was either sitting down or standing, there was too many people for my liking, I wasn't used to it. Soon the crowds started to sit down and Yoongi took me to a table right near the front. I hated all the attention.

There was food on the table and neatly laid out cutlery. Whoever did this spent a lot of effort preparing it. That I could be grateful for I guess. On my table was my mom and dad, Yoongi's dad Yoongi himself and Hyunjin and Changbin. They were both forced into coming here. I could see it written on both their faces that they hated this and pitied me. Hyunjin kept looking at me with sad eyes. He must understand my pain now. As this person started talking on stage I looked around me to try and find Felix again. Where had he gone?
I wasn't listening to anything around me, until a sudden outburst of clapping started.
Yoongi then stood up, taking a Microphone off this man. He took hold of my hand and held it where everyone could see.
"Thank you everyone for coming today, it means a lot for the both of us." He said clearly down the mic. He went on about technical stuff but I was feeling ill. This was all happening too fast, I wanted to get out of here. I think he noticed my discomfort, somehow, and brought his long speech to an end.
"Excuse us, for a minute." Yoongi finished with. He gently dragged me in a back room where no people were, it looked like a hallway of some sort.
"You look ill. Are you okay?"

"Would you be okay? I'm having an engagement party with someone I don't love." I told him coldly.

"You really don't feel anything?" He asked me,

"Not even now?" He asked as his head was so close to mine I could feel his cool breath

He scoffed when I didn't answer.
"I bet any girl out there would kill to be in the position you are in right now."

"Well, I'm not one of them am I." I fought back. "I want to be your friend Yoongi... not your wife."

"Even if not now, you will love me. I will make sure of it."
He closed the remaining gap and started kissing me. My eyes widened when I realised what was happening.
I pushed him off quite harshly,
"Didn't you hear me, I don't love you."

He just came back and pinned my arms against the wall,
"Now you really want to test me?"

He kissed me again, as I tried to move my head right. All I could think about at this moment was the night when Felix was angry with me and then started kissing me. It reminded me of it so much. This would never be the same as me and Felix though. At least Felix respected me.

When he leaned back he was still angry.
"What do I have to do, huh?" He asked me.

"Who is it that makes you not want me

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"Who is it that makes you not want me. There must be someone."
I didn't answer his question and remained silent.

"So now your giving me silent treatment?"

"You're beautiful Y/n, and you know something, you were my first love, yes time may have passed but I can feel my feelings coming back. So answer the damn question."

"No one." I didn't want to tell him in case he knew Felix. I had to be safe.
While he was slightly distracted I shook of his arms and quickly walked away to where more light was. He must be so angry at me right now. I was scared to think of what he could do to me. Felix was scary but he had a soft side. I wasn't sure if Suga had one. He seemed cold. But I could still taste his lips on me now. It was unsettling. I tried being nice to him but this seems unreal now.

I walked back into the main room and went to sit down like nothing had happened.

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