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Lexi's POV:

Evan looks at me and bolts out of the room, shoving past Katie.

Katie starts to leave the room, raising her voice and announcing what she just walked into. I quickly wrap my arm around her wrist and yank her back into my room and slam the door.

"No, Katie." I hiss. I rarely tell her no.

"What the fuck was that?! Was she kissing you?! Ew!" She gags.

I shake my head and realize that now is the time, whether I like it or not. "Katie, stop. I need to tell you something." I pause and make her stumble to the bed and sit down. "I'm not- I don't like guys." I blurt, hoping her drunk brain can remember this so I won't have to have this conversation twice.

"Huh?" She furrows her brows.

"I like women, okay? That's why I don't want a boyfriend. I wasn't going to say anything but... yeah. That's what's up." I admit.

She stares blankly and I hold my breath for the reaction.

"You're a lesbian?!" She gasps.

I roll my eyes and shake my head, "I don't like labels. I'm just... me. I'm Lexi. The same Lexi you've been friends with for years." I shrug.

Katie shakes her head and makes a face of unintentional disgust. Part of me knows it's because she's shitfaced, but the other part of me takes it to heart. "What changed?"

I give a pathetic laugh, "nothing changed, Katie. I'm the same Lexi I was. All I did was show you another piece of me. I'm still the same person you know and love." I explain to her. "I just wasn't ready to tell you yet."

"So... you really don't like boys?" She asks me again.

"I really don't." I shrug.

"But have you even tried-"

I saw this coming.

"I don't need to try to be valid, Katie. I know what I want." I tell her.

"This is insane!" She sighs. "What about Mrs. Copeland?! Why was she kissing you?!"

"It wasn't what it looked like. I kissed her, Katie. Please, don't say anything. It was a mistake and I shouldn't have done it." I plead, knowing that if the information gets out Evan could be ruined.

Katie shakes her head, "I don't know about this Lexi, you need to figure it out." She frowns.

Katie gets up to leave my room, but I grab her again. "Katie, I don't care if you don't like me or want to be friends anymore because of this, but I need you to promise me that you won't say anything about Mrs. Copeland." I beg her, tears starting to well in my eyes at both thoughts; Katie not wanting to be my friend and the relationship I have with Evan coming to light.

"Whatever, Lexi. I'll keep the secret. I'm gonna go." She slurs.

I watch my bedroom door close and my cheeks gets wet pretty quick.

This is not how I saw my night unfolding.

* * *

I wake up with heavy eyes and extreme disorientation.

I realize I'm leaning against the back of my bedroom door and dried tears are on my cheeks.

After what happened with Evan and Katie last night I threw in the towel. I'm sure the first floor of my house is a wreck.

I sigh and go into my bathroom, taking a shower and washing my face before even stepping foot downstairs. I get changed into something comfortable and let my damp waves roll over my shoulders as I head downstairs to assess the damage.

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