Blind Beauty | 20

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Chapter Veinte


Arlette spent most of the afternoon in the gardens, walking, crying, laughing, singing, thinking...

She needed the time alone. Feeling pressured all the time was pushing her to the edge of insanity. She had missed the feeling of being able to be alone and at peace. Now she could breathe and be herself.

Her fingertips had touched every flower and every plant and tree and every bird in the garden, all of them chirped and hummed, welcoming her. She smiled humming with them. The day was lovely, she could feel it and the birds let her know.

Arlette even met with Phoenix again, the Prince’s monstrous wolf. For a moment she thought the wolf was with him. But the wolf was completely alone. Making Arlette’s heart throb for some reason. Yet when Phoenix first saw her, he ran to her, making her fall back on the grass, laughing. He licked her face and nudged her, making soft growling noises. She caressed his amazing fur, smiling. She hadn’t smiled in what felt like forever, let alone laugh.

After what seemed like hours, Phoenix left without warning. It was like he was suddenly being called, but Arlette didn’t hear any voices or noises at all—everything was just as peaceful. That alarmed Arlette a little, but she didn’t mind much. Yet, minutes after Phoenix left, Arlette could hear steps approach her. She stood frozen in place.


She found her breath.

“Daisy...” Arlette exhaled.

“Do you know how late you are?” Daisy sounded worried.

Arlette had forgotten the Grand Ball was today. “Uh...”

Daisy sighed. “It’s okay, but we must go. You still have to get ready.” Then Daisy made strange noise. “But first a bath.”

Arlette’s lips quirked up slightly, remembering Phoenix, and nodded, following Daisy back inside.

When Arlette went back to the room, there were surprisingly a lot of maids. Before she could ask, Daisy explained that all of them will help her get ready. Still, Arlette didn’t understand the need for a dozen maids. They all paced around quietly but she could still hear their constant voices. Arlette felt somewhat uncomfortable taking her dress off in front of all of them, so she went to the bathroom instead.

No one seemed to notice, or maybe they didn’t want to disturb her, but Arlette didn’t mind and quickly got in the tub for the second time today. The water was very warm and calming. As soon as her body was engulfed in water, she could feel the tension of her body ooze out. A sigh escaped her lips, and she enjoyed how it felt to be this relaxed.

After a good amount of time in the tub, Arlette decided to get out. She stood up, grabbing the towel near her and wrapping it around her body. Stepping out of the tub and walking back into the room, she could hear the intense conversation two maids were having in the corner of the room. For some reason, it annoyed her that they were talking very quietly about her, but Arlette still managed to hear them clearly.

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