Chapter Zero

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Chapter Zero | Bitch What?

All I could here was a banging noise.

I was lying in bed, my head throbbing. Please who ever you are go away, I'm too hung over for this shit.

The room was pitch black still so I had to find my way to the door in the dark. When I turned the door knob a huge white guy came rushing through.


"Who are you?" I asked.

"I think the question is who are you, and where the hell is Brock?"

I was confused. Why was this man banging on my door at some ungodly hour looking for someone I don't even know?

"I don't know any Brock, you must have the wrong room." I said as I was trying not to sound rude but he was the one yelling.

"Actually miss this isn't your room so if you could just tell me where Brock is that would be great."

I squinted my eyes trying to make out where I was. He was right, this wasn't the room Amber, Chyna and I checked into. Now I'm starting to freak out. Where am I and how the hell did I get here?

I heard footsteps coming from the bedroom I had just come out of. I turned around and noticed a huge tall white guy standing in the doorway in only his boxers.

"Paul, what are you doing here?" He asked as he sounded just as in pain and hungover as I was.

Paul started yelling again, "Brock, how many times do I have to tell you to behave yourself and now I was informed you got yourself a stripper!" Paul yelled.

"Ex-stripper." I said, correcting the Paul guy.

"Ma'am, I suggest you get dressed and leave so I can talk to my friend here." Paul said.

I felt Brock and Paul staring at me. When I looked down and realized I was only standing there in my bra and panties.

"Why don't you go in the bedroom and get dressed while I teach Paul here so manners." Brock said as he smiled.

I nodded and walked back to the bedroom. I first searched for my pants and top. I found it on the floor, but when I picked it up I realized the zipper on it was broken.


I looked around spotting my clutch. I got my phone out of my clutch and dialed Chyna's number.

"Fatima, where are you?" Chyna asked as soon as she answered the phone.

I could tell she was worried.

"I'm okay, Chyna," I sighed, "But I'm mad as hell y'all let my ass leave the club with a white man. What if his ass killed me or something?" I asked.

"First of all, momma is going to kill me for letting you get this drunk! And bitch You was the one all attached to him like you knew him and when I tried to stop you from leaving wit him. You said you wanted to go with him and that you wasn't drunk." Chyna said as I zoned out for a minute as she rambled on.

"Bitch, you supposed to snatch my ass up and make me sober up in a corner or something." I said.

"Well, are you coming back to the hotel or did you do something stupid?" Chyna asked.

"What stupid thing could I have done in under twenty four hours?" I replied.

"Bitch, it's Vegas. Y'all could've gotten married or something else." Chyna said.

I looked down at my ring finger and there was no ring there so I know we did not get married.

"We didn't get married." I said.

"Oh, good." Chyna said.

"I'm coming now. I think we at the same hotel. So, I'll just leave and I'll call you back." I said.

"Ok, just please be careful and don't forget to call me back." Chyna said.

"I wont." I said.

I hung up the phone and put it back in my clutch before heading back to the living room where Brock and Paul were.

Brock spotted me as I came through the doorway and stopped what he was saying to Paul, who also looked at me.

Brock stood up and came over to me.

"I'm sorry, but I don't know your name." Brock said.

"It's Fatima." I said.

"Well Fatima, it seems that we had a crazy night." He said.

"Seems that way." I said as he led me back to sit on the couch. This time he was sitting a little closer.

"Don't you think it's time for her to go before anyone notices that she's here?" Paul asked.

"Right." I answered as I stood up. "It was a crazy night for us and most likely I won't ever see you again so, goodbye, Brock and I would say it was nice to meet you, Paul, but it wasn't." I said as I walked to the door.

"Goodbye, Fatima." Brock said.

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