31 Town

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"Can we get ice cream? I've been craving for it since forever. You don't get that around Lucida."

"Lieutenant-" she stops. She's still not used to calling him with his real name, and she keeps forgetting that they're in Nyla now. Plus, it's not like they have their positions anymore; to Lucida they're good as dead. Having him around feels weird; knowing that both of them are not considered soldiers anymore is a harsh truth but with that, it seems that their relationship has turned into something more... normal. It's like they're back to their childhood, only without Emira by their side. "Yunho, it's 10 in the morning, and we literally just took our first step in here."

Yunho had begged her to go to town together, because he said he wants to walk around and get to know the place. He wants to feel his freedom for the first time in his life. For once, he doesn't have to follow anyone's order and he is not trapped in the palace, only allowed to go outside with the queen's permission. She was reluctant at first, worried that they might be caught by any of Lucida's soldiers. Yunho assured her that they couldn't get inside Nyla, and even Wooyoung, who saw them on their way out, promised her that they would be safe. Wooyoung told them that they had decided to strengthen the security at the borders after everything that happened. They wouldn't allow anyone suspcious to come into Nyla and the palace was to be informed first if there was any breach.

"Have fun in town! You might see us in town later too since Mingi and I are planning to spread the word about our ball." He sent both of them off with a wink.

So now they're walking around town, Yunho gaping at every building as if he has never seen the outside world. He decides to stop at every shop, peeking in through the windows to see what every shop has to offer. Soon, she notices that people have been looking at them curiously, probably knowing that they are not from around here. But she later realizes it's not what she thought. She hears some of their whisperings and she snorts at most of them.

"Is he from around here? I don't think I've seen him before, but hey, did you see his figure? He's so tall and he's so good-looking."

"He looks like he knows how to fight well. Gosh, I would love someone like him as my husband, who can protect me."

Akira crosses her arms, observing Yunho who's still innocently poring over the shops, unaware of the situation he's in. She shakes her head before grabbing him by his arm, pulling him away from his little adventure. Then she hears some mutterings of disapproval from the same bunch that has been drooling over him, to which she only smiles inwardly.

"You know what, ice cream sounds good right now."

"Really?" His eyes light up. It's hard to believe that this is the same person that has killed numerous people, eyes as cold as ice as he watches them fall down lifeless. "What about that cute cafe at the back alley? It looks really delicious."

She walks forward as a sign of agreement, and Yunho excitedly follows from behind. He loops his arm around her, and as she tries shrugging him off, he holds on tighter. "I missed you, Akira."

"Stop saying things you don't mean."

"I mean every word I said."

She looks at him, expecting a grin playing on his lips, but there is only a soft smile, showing that he's sincere about it. She is slightly taken aback by it, but doesn't give any reply. He drops his arm, respecting the fact that she's uncomfortable with what he did. They don't converse along the whole journey, which takes them a few minutes, the cafe's huge sign welcoming them.

"It's pink," he offers without being asked. When she only stares at him, he puts a hand to his lips. "Sorry, it's a habit to describe the colours to you."

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