Excalibur P1

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Uther was talking solemnly. Arthur was answering nobly. Merlyn was bored out of her mind.

"... From henceforth, you will be Crowned Prince of Camelot." the king proclaimed, placing a golden circlet on Arthur's head, causing Merlyn to sigh in relief. Frankly, it made absolutely no difference to her if Arthur was Crowned Prince or just a plain old son of the king; he just seemed to have gained a pretty crown out of the ceremony, something else she'd have to polish. People were clapping; Uther looked proud, it was a generally good day for Arthur really. Merlyn was just using it as an excuse to wear a, reasonably pretty dress, one with pockets, perfect for hidden weaponry.

"How does it feel to be servant to the Crowned Prince of Camelot?" Gwen asked, probably noting Merlyn's boredom.

"Washing his royal socks will be even more of a privilege." she grinned sarcastically at her friend, who just rolled her eyes.

"You're proud of him, even if you complain about him constantly."

"I'm not."

"You are, I can see it in your face." Gwen smirked, giving her a knowing look.

"Those socks are very clean, of course I'm proud of them." Merlyn smiled brightly.

Gwen simply shook her head. "Okay then, perhaps I should be asking you how it feels to kiss the Crowned Prince of Camelot?"

Merlyn's cheeks flushed a deep red, but she was saved from answering by the crashing of a stained glass window as a stallion charged through it, a knight sitting astride it, fracturing the glass into a million of sharp, tiny pieces.

Never in her life had Merlyn been so glad to see a blatant attack on her home.

The courtiers shrieked whilst the knights drew their swords. Merlyn pulled a few daggers from various concealed parts of her dress, unsure what to make of the dark knight. She handed one to a wide-eyed Gwen, on the off chance she'd need it, and faced the enemy, interested to see his next move.

He wore a suit of black armour, devastating in his foreboding presence, striding up to Arthur with an air of entitlement only a nobleman could muster. He ripped off his right gauntlet, throwing it down at the prince's feet.

Arthur stared at it for a moment, understandably surprised by the challenge. He bent down to pick up the gauntlet when a young, foolish knight beat him to it, accepting the battle in his place.

"I, Sir Owain, accept your challenge."

The dark knight refused to take off his helmet, but directed his attention to the stupid man.

"Single combat, noon tomorrow, to the death." He swung around, his, what Merlyn assumed to be his eyes, lingering on the servant for an odd moment, before he stormed out of the broken window, shards of glass sticking into his armour.

"Have you ever seen this black knight before?" Merlyn asked Gaius, pacing the length of the their chambers. The celebrations had, unsurprisingly, died down quickly after the intrusion, the mysterious figure on everyone's minds.

Gaius shook his head. "I don't believe so."

Merlyn wasn't sure that she believed him. "You didn't recognise his crest? What house is it?"

"I didn't see it clearly." Gaius answered far to quickly.

Merlyn narrowed her eyes, curious of the physician's motives. "Yeah, but he's not someone you'd forget in a hurry is he?"

"No." Gaius muttered, turning away from Merlyn, busying himself with some foul smelling potion.

"So you don't think he's from around here?" she questioned, unable to shake the feeling that Gaius was hiding something.

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