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DAY 35
3:18 A.M.

Apparently there are showers on Level 4--something I am exceedingly grateful for. I sigh as I step put of the shower stall with a towel wrapped around my skinny body. A hot shower was exactly what I needed after searching through a forest looking for a grieving werewolf.

Theseus was quite reluctant to let me go after we arrived back at the lab. Finally, after sitting in his arms soaking wet for 20 minutes, he let me go, on the condition that I would return to him after I was cleaned up. I talked to Dr. Anderson and I will be spending the entire day with him, even though it is just now 3:30 a.m.

I slide a pair of sweatpants over my hips and pull a T-shirt over my head--clothes that were provided by B.E.A.R. Labs. I pad out of the bathroom in my bare feet and make my way to the elevators.

I am greeted on Level 5 by an angry Dr. Vanderwall, our argument still on his mind, no doubt. He holds his hands behind his back and stares at me with a guarded expression. I raise my chin and meet his gaze.

"Morning, doctor."

Clearly not wanting to skirt around the subject, he cuts straight to to the chase. "Your behavior a few hours ago will not be tolerated, Ms. Odair. I hope you understand that I can and will remove you from this project if such actions repeat themselves."

How dare he be angry at me. Yes, my disrespect was rude and unbecoming, but it wasn't without reason. They should have at least consulted with me before hand, seeing as I have the closest relationship with the project
"Actually," I say. "You can't fire me," I cross my arms, a smug smile twisting up my lips.

"I'll have you know--" he says angrily, jabbing a finger at me.

I cut him off, "No, I'll have you know. You need me on this project. How much progress had you made prior to my arrival? Hmm? Not much, as I have been told." His expression melts into pure malice as I continue my rant. "Unless you want this project to fail, I suggest you keep me. What you did was, in all honesty, unbelievably stupid. You are lucky I was able to get to him before anyone died!" I finish, my nose scrunching up in a snarl.

"You have no idea who you are dealing with, Ms. Odair," he says stepping closer, his nose merely inches from my own. "If I were you, I would watch my back."

I disguise my fear with a blank expression. "Good day, Sir," I say through gritted teeth, completely dissregarding his last statement.

He pins me with a deadly gaze before stepping aside, allowing me to pass. I stare him down as I pass, conveying as much hate in my gaze as possible. I continue my long, purposeful strides until I come to a stop in front Theseus' new cell.

I take a deep breath, calming myself from my altercation with Dr. Vanderwall. What I did was rash and stupid. I doubt making enemies with someone of his status was a good idea, as he so clearly mentioned.

I scan my badge and enter the cell. It looks exactly the same as the old one; same white walls and bedding, just the attached observation room is gone. Theseus, now freshly cleaned as well, sits on his bed, a shredded T-shirt on the floor in front of him. I tilt my head in confusion at the strange item.

He looks up at me when I make my way towards him. Something in his stance changes after he sees me. He seems more...relaxed. I suppose this is normal, given my affect on him. Though, I'm still unsure what exactly that affect is. Sometimes I feel as though it is something of his imagination, but with the events of a few hours ago, I feel like this connection is something much more.

I take a seat next to him, not really knowing what to do. I no longer fear what he might do to me. If he wanted to hurt me, he would have done so already. Although, I don't think I want him touching me quite yet. As that thought passes through my mind, I feel a weight settle around my waist. I squirm a little bit and make a noise of discomfort.

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