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Ten Years Later:

Edward sits in front of a tv, a 24/7 Westerosi news channel playing. Carlisle sits at his side, the two of them watching the news play out. It's been a long ten years for Edward. He tried to move on, to keep moving but without Dany, everything seemed dim. But he wanted to see this moment. So he waited. He waited for news, any news, and he got letters every now and then from her, Sam even offered news when he heard from her. His attention is brought back to the tv as the announcer starts talking.

"Presenting...Queen Daenerys Stormborn, of the House Targaryen, First of Her Name, the Unburnt, Queen of the Andals and the First Men, Khaleesi of the Great Grass Sea, Breaker of Chains, and Mother of Dragons" Edward smiles a little watching as Dany stands from her throne, crowned, finally. Behind her, three huge dragons stand watching over her. She's brought her people, her country into the 21st century, revealed them to the world. No more secrets. To be fair who in their right mind is going to try and stop her when she has three full-grown fire breathing dragons. International trade. Alliances. She even abolished slavery in her home. He's so proud of her. The press and journalists were invited onto the island and into the castle. Tourists have been flooding in for months now. And now, the official coronation, broadcast around the world for everyone to see. Carlisle watches him, then realizes.

"You're going after her" Carlisle states, Edward shrugs and then nods.

"I have to" Edward admits. "I have to tell her" Carlisle smiles and nods, he understands. Edward has been holding this in for ten years now. Waiting for the right moment.

"She's mortal though, do you understand what that means for you?" Carlisle asks him, Edward nods.

"I'll remain at her side as long as she'll allow it" Edward admits.

"It's got to be better than you sitting here and pining" Rosalie teases from the doorway, Emmett stood behind her. "A queen?" she asks. "That's....you can never just do normal, can you?" she offers, Edward smiles.

"I wonder how Bella took the news" Emmett admits. "That she lost her boyfriend to an actual member of royalty, that has three giant dragons" he looks to the tv as the three dragons take to the sky. "I mean...dragons" Edward and Carlisle share a look, Carlisle nods softly.


Dany sighs sitting in her dressing chair, her fingers pulling the intricate pins in her hair free, another day, another state dinner. It's been weeks since her coronation and she's barely stopped. Now that her people, her country is out there and interacting with the rest of the world she hasn't been able to stop, she's the new novelty. The new queen from the mysterious new land that has dragons. And the other politicians, the ones from across the rest of the world....why are they so moronic and archaic? Her eyes actually hurt after rolling them so much. She shakes her head letting her hair fall down her back.

"Dany" she snaps her head around standing from her chair but her body relaxes realizing and recognizing her intruder. Her heart lurches heavily in her chest and she can't help the smile spreading across her face.

"Edward" she whispers surprised and happy.

"You look beautiful" he admits stepping closer to her. Dany touches her dress and looks down at herself before looking to him softly.

"You're here?" she whispers stepping closer to him, her feet carrying her forward. He smiles and nods.

"I'm here" he answers.

"Why?" she asks him softly watching his face. He searches her eyes before smiling.

"Because I love you" he admits. "And I should have told you all those years ago, I should have been telling you every day since, but you were so excited about" he looks around. "All of this...I was afraid you'd stay" she frowns at him. "This is where you belong, I couldn't take that away from you, from your people....how could I?" she smiles softer at him.

"You're here now" she whispers fondly, he nods touching her cheek, curling his hand around her skin, she leans into his touch. "You're here" she repeats, her voice trembling. He steps close pressing his forehead to hers.

"Your grace" she smiles and clutches to his shirt. "I'm sorry it took me this long" she shakes her head.

"No, you came, that's all that matters" she raises up onto her tiptoes to kiss him, Edward smiles against her lips wrapping his arm around her waist before lifting her up, she chuckles against his lips and sighs relaxing, for the first time in ten years as her arms wrap around his neck.


Edward holds Dany's hand as they lay, side by side in bed. Blankets covering them both, she's curled into his side. She sighs softly and then closes her eyes. She knows she has to tell him about the last 10 years, things that happened, things she'd done....she opens her eyes again.

"I got married" she admits, he looks down at her. "It was strategic" she adds. "I needed an army, he had an army......"

"What happened?" he asks her.

"He died" she admits.

"Oh, Dany, I'm so sorry" she lifts her head to look at him.

"I didn't love him" she assures him.

"But it's still a loss" he argues touching her cheek. "Whether you loved him or not, he was an important part of your life...." she cocks her head slightly.

"What about you?" she asks. "What will you do now?"

"If you'll have me" he whispers into the back of her hand. "I'll remain here, with you, until you send me away" her eyes watch him, all soft and loving.

"Was it ever in question that I would desire for you to leave me?" he smiles and kisses the back of her hand before moving to kiss her cheek instead.

"I'm so proud of you" he admits. "Look at what you've done for your people" she smiles and shrugs.

"I just wanted to build a better world"

"And you have" he assures her lifting her chin. "I knew you'd make a wonderful queen" she leans closer to kiss him, he hums against hers.

"I have something for you" she admits when she pulls back. "A gift" he frowns at her.

"But you didn't know I would come" he points out.

"I've had it a while, held onto it just in case, I think I would have sent to you eventually, but I held onto it in the hopes that you would come" she sits up, wrapping the blankets around her. "But we need to get dressed" she stands up taking the top blanket with her to keep herself covered.

"What is it?" he asks her, she smiles over her shoulder at him.

"Your life" she offers cryptically before disappearing behind the dressing screen, leaving Edward to frown in her bed. 

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