24 | Considered Dead

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An hour later and this nightmare has made itself a reality.

A silky, knee length dress hugs my body, making my discomfort levels skyrocket. The color of it is a light emerald, making the green of my ear ring stand out.

I stand on the doorstep of some looming, castle-like building on the top tier of the city. Beside me, Riot bangs the metal knocked on the door. He's also stuffed himself into formal clothes, and good lord if that suit wasn't made for him.

It looks absolutely ravishing, but it doesn't seem like the Riot I know. I keep having to take second looks at him just to make sure. Something about a suit and tie just contradicts his roguish appearance.

A servant appears at the door and leads us down a dark, stony hallway. I stick close to Riot, unsure of what to expect.

The dependence I've had of him as of late bothers me. But the fact that he hasn't been pushing me away makes it all worth it.

We come to a grand dining hall, the majority of the room nothing but open space. In the middle there's a table long enough to seat an army. At the end of it sits a smug looking man with Senya seated at the nearest side.

Romanov. That's the name that Riot and Senya had kept mentioning before. This must be the man who it belongs to.

"Ah, Riot," he greets, dragging out his name. "I'm so glad you could make it. I see you found the clothes we left for you."

Riot remains unfazed as he walks over and takes the seat opposite of Senya. With one arm he pulls out the chair beside him, a gesture for me to sit there.

"What do you want?" He asks Romanov bluntly. It isn't the nicest of tones, but at least he's keeping his composure.

Romanov smiles, as if amused. His gelled back hair blends into the shadows of the distant wall.

He slumps down, sitting as comfortably— and as informally— as possible.

"No need to rush. We have all night." He raises his hand and motions for a servant standing nearby.

In a flash, silverware and plates full of food are placed in front of us. Fancy wine glasses are also given, filled generously with their namesake.

Riot stares at the food skeptically before grudgingly picking up a fork. I, on the other hand, don't hesitate. The trip to get here was long and without luxury. At this point I'll eat anything I can get my claws on.

We all start eating, the soft clanging of metal against porcelain filling the large stony and castle-like room. It's a few minutes into the meal before somebody finally speaks

"Let's talk about all the bounties I've been receiving lately," Romanov lowers his voice a bit, "A couple dozen short of ten thousand, to be exact."

I nearly choke on my bite of potatoes.

After the initial shock of the number passes, I clench my teeth. Anger bubbles in my chest as I hold back a growl. I always knew that people feared and despised the Exiled Alpha, but I've never witnessed the full extent of the fact. I bristle at the thought of someone wishing for my mate's death. Too cowardly to try to kill him themselves at that.

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