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I TRIED NOT TO LET the shock on my face show. I couldn't believe it though, that even with the thorough background checks that were performed in regard to each Selected girl, nobody had any doubts that Shannon was a southern rebel. She was from one of the toughest areas in Illéa, and had on multiple occasions shown outrage towards the caste system, though Ethan was such a kindhearted person, I'd bet he never doubted her one bit. Then again, neither had I. In the end, Shannon kept her distance from others, so no one really knew her that well. I wondered how many rebels had to apply for the Selection to insure one of their own would get picked, and if they had been depending on this all along.

"Stupid Regan." She muttered under her breath, seeming more exasperated by the second. If this Regan was an ally of hers, perhaps he'd been killed or injured before he could come here and help for whatever came next. As she was rubbing her head, eyes shut tightly like she had a headache, I took the opportunity to try to save myself. Without a moment to waste, I tipped my chair forward, trying to fall completely straight on the ground. If I accidentally fell over to the side like before, it would be much harder to get up. This fall forward would give the propelling strength I needed to get my hands and ankles out of their bonds. As I fell towards the ground,my mouth set free from its gag, I let out the loudest scream my small body could make. This would perhaps seem like a normal reaction to falling suddenly, but it was exactly what I had planned. I knew I couldn't do this alone.

The ropes fell off, and I pushed the chair to the side, off of me, though I remained on the ground, stomach-first. As I'd thought, a guard burst open the door, holding a gun, and me laying low meant he wouldn't accidentally shoot me in a confused panic. Instead, he shot at Shannon's arm, and she fell with an anguished cry. Stupidly, I felt bad for her. Having gone through the Selection, there was this strong bond that had created itself between me and the other girls; apparently, this bond was so strong it couldn't even be fully broken by kidnapping and complete betrayal. Though they didn't feel so safe anymore, I dashed through the hidden exit, heading for the underground safe-room.

However, halfway to it, I stopped myself; I had this sinking feeling that Ethan would not be there, that he was looking for me. I knew that once I entered the safe-room, no one would let me out to look for him, so I had to take the risk now and find him so he'd know I was safe. I walked through every passage, every tunnel, ever corridor that existed within this maze of secret passages, not daring to go out into the palace even though, thanks to Shannon, the rebels probably knew about every single secret entrance by now. I hurried, now recognizing the way that led to my bedroom, and, to my surprise, Ethan was leaning against the wall there, looking down. When he saw me as I stood speechless, panting, and his eyes seemed to brim with tears. He quickly closed the last of the space between us and grabbed me into the tightest hug I'd ever received.

"I looked all around here for you, and was debating going out there now to look more. What was the hard part though, was deciding between dying out there at the hands of a rebels, or dying in that safe-room if you never came back to me." He was now openly crying, and though I ached to hug him longer, to kiss him, I gently took his hand and started guiding us downstairs to, hopefully, safety. Before we entered the safe-room, Ethan wiped his eyes and straightened as best he could, but walked in still holding my hand. Everybody turned to me as I entered, and I took in who was there: the Queen, her ladies, some butlers and maids, and the four other remaining Selected girls: Gwen, Agatha, Scarlett and Taylor. I wondered if anyone was looking for Shannon, though there was someone else missing: the King was nowhere in sight.

I sat down with Ethan on some cushions on the floor, the others giving us space though they were probably aching to know everything that had happened. I started with the most important. "Where's your father?" I whispered, wanting to be discreet. Ethan's expression twisted into a deeply upset one. "He didn't make it to this room. The guards told me he was in the second strongest safe-room, on the upper levels. I don't know anything else about it, but I'm really hoping nothing happened to him." He took a shaky breath. "I was so worried about you and Shannon too. Do you have any idea where she is?" I turned away from peering eyes, facing only him. "About that... a rebel kidnapped me; they were trying to lure you into a trap, but I managed to escape thanks to a guard." He squeeze my hand. "Are you hurt? Did they have a weapon?"

"No, and yes. But, listen to me; the rebel who captured and bound me was Shannon." I expected him to be surprised; instead, his mood seemed to turn even more somber as he lowered his voice. "Are you sure?" I nodded. "She threatened me with a dagger and tied my arms behind my back. I think I was only able to escape because whatever reinforcement she was expecting failed to show up. I'm afraid that... by now, she might've told the other rebels about all the safe-rooms and secret passageways." Ethan let go of my hand. "Please excuse me; I need to speak with the head guard immediately." He got up and started towards him, but suddenly stopped and turned around to place a kiss on my head. "I'm so glad you're safe." He said, softly.

I watched him, and the fuzzy feeling in my stomach was replaced by an anxious one when I noticed his brows furrow and his shoulders slump as he spoke with the guard. Their conversation had turned sour, and I wanted to know what was going on, but before I could even ask, Ethan hurried off to his mother's side. I was so shaken I didn't even go talk to the other girls as the time passed, dragged on for what felt like days. All in all, we were probably in there for five hours, and though some of the girls slept, my eyes stayed wide open. When they announced it was safe to leave, Ethan rushed off, and I headed back to my room. I barely had the chance to settle before we were called for important announcements in the Women's room.

"You all might notice one of the Selected is missing;" Though it was unusual, it was the head guard who spoke to us, instead of miss Nicole, who was standing right by him. "Shannon Faber engaged in rebel-like activities, and though we have not yet confirmed yet whether or not she is a recognized member of this rebel group, she is to be arrested. Unfortunately, she escaped on the basis that the guard who came upon her was confused, considering her now former status as a lady of the Selection. We are looking tirelessly for her, but I need you ladies to be extra careful in the meantime." I could feel the tension build up in the room. "More importantly, I have other news: our King has suffered a terrible injury from one of those filthy rebels' rusty knives. The assailant has been taken care of and King Theodore is currently in the hospital wing in a dire state."

"In light of this situation, some activities in regard to the Selection might be put on hold for now. You five ladies are to be patient in these trying times and give the royal family some space. Also, you are not to inquire further about these issues: any news will come from the guards or your instructor." The head guard nodded affirmatively and headed out the door. If this was a lot for us to take in, I wondered how this was weighing on Ethan. For today though, I would follow orders and be patient; it had been a long, terrible night.

Selected: Part 3 - Love and LaceWhere stories live. Discover now