Chapter 6: You!

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Chapter 6

Emily's P.O.V.

Arriving home, I noticed that mom's car wasn't there. She is probably still at work, so I didn't bother calling her. I opened the door and got inside, I could hear noises from the living room. I was scared out of my mind. The first thing I saw on the floor were my mom's heels.

"It's better than nothing, right?" I asked myself.

"Please let it not be a wild animal, oh my God what if is a fugitive!"

"I'm talking to myself again. I'm going to end up in a insane asylum." I whispered harshly at myself.

I started to walk to the room and I saw a head. But the head wasn't alone, it was connected to a body whom I didn't know the owner of considering its back was facing me.

When I moved closer, with the heel in hand, the person turned around and I screamed. I almost hit the person with the heel but I looked closely and it was Ryan. Oh, thank God. Wait, Ryan!?!

"Why are you in my house?!" I yelled at him, without bringing my heel down, I was ready to attack.

"I just came looking for you. Now, can you please bring down your shoe... weapon?" he asked looking afraid.

"First things first, this is a heel not a shoe," I clarified. "And, second, how did you get inside my house?" I asked him bothered by his presence.

"Heel or shoe. It's the same thing! And you let a window open, so I got in," he explained to me, as if it were normal for him to break and enter other people's houses through the window.

"Oh, I'm sorry I forgot it was totally acceptable for a person to enter another person's house if they let their window open!! You know I can call the police, right?" I crossed my arms and lifted one of my brows.

"Yes, I know. But you wouldn't dare," he told me in a taunting way.

"Oh, really?" I got my phone out of my pocket and the next thing I know my phone is thrown to the couch and I'm pinned to the wall by Ryan.

"What are you doing?" I asked, trying to push him away from me, failing terribly.

"Making a point," he said, smiling.

"Okay, you did. Now get off! "I said and gave him a big push. He almost fell. Almost.

"Now, what do you want?" I asked him getting very irritated by him now.

"Oh yeah. I'm here to ask for a favor."

"What favor?" I asked, giving him a weird look.

"Well, um, you know what happened last night, right?" He said in a very sad tone. He was still hurting, but was trying not to show it. I mean who wouldn't be hurting when you just loss your mother.

"Yes" my voice trailed off. That was all I could say while the memories of last night came back to me.

"Well I'm not going to be living in my house anymore. I'm moving in with a friend and well, his parents are allergic," he said making a stop.

"Allergic? to you?" I asked, in a sarcastic tone, laughing.

"No, allergic to dogs," he said.

"So? What's that supposed to mea-" before I could finished that sentence a little German shepherd came running to Ryan. "Whose dog is that?" I asked panicking. Hey! It's not every day you see a stranger's dog in your house.

"Mine. But he can't stay with me. So, can you please take care of him for me?" he asked pouting.

"Mom is not going to let me take care of him! She would kill me if she found out I'm hiding him", I explained in a loud tone, freaking out a bit.

"Please? I don't have anybody else," he mumble sadly. He had me?

"Don't you have- Oh, I don't know, friends?" I said like it was completely obvious.

"Yes," he scoffed. "I do, but they all said no," he said with a goofy smile and proceeded to bite his lower lip.

"Fine" I said, giving in the idea.

"Really? Oh, thank you! Thank you, Thank you!" he yells, picking me up the ground and spinning me around in a tight embrace.

"Okay! Alright! Okay, okay! Don't drop me!!" I shrieked. He placed me on the ground when he stop spinning me and gave me a loud kiss on the cheek.

"Well, I have to go now. His name is Rocky and he likes to sleep on the bed," he said. I was still trying to progress what just happened. Did Ryan the "badass" just kiss my cheek?

"Well, that's wonderful!" I said sarcastically when I heard what he said.

"Ha. Well, bye! And thanks so much," he said and then he was gone.

"Wait!" I yelled

He stopped and turn around. "What is it?"

"Give me your phone, I need to call mine so I can find it." I explain.

"Sure, here" he handed me his phone.

I took it and walk to the window throwing the phone out of it in the process. Ryan just looked at me in shock.

"Why you did that for?!" He yelled

"Revenge for my phone and you came through the window so you are going to go out of it too."

He looked at me like asking if I was serious. When he saw I wasn't joking he went out the window.

Leaving me with Rocky. Alone. I'm so screwed. I should just start digging my grave now.

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