4 | The Trek to the World Cup

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The only thing Fred could think about as they were walking was how much he regretted telling Y/n he likes Angelina. He wasn't particularly sure if she really believed him, but it still didn't feel right. He shouldn't have said it, but it was too late. He did notice that she was slightly disappointed, though. She was masking it well, but Fred could see right through her. The thought of her liking him back crossed his mind, but why would she like poor, stupid Fred Weasley, when half of Hogwarts fancies her? When there are way more attractive and way richer guys at Hogwarts?

But maybe, just maybe, she did like him? A guy can dream, can't he?

George was complaining to Y/n about their mother had taken away all their joke products and yelled at them before leaving the house when Fred finally tuned back in. Fred joined in on complaining, though they were relieved that she didn't know about what they were planning to do at the World Cup.

Arthur was muttering under his breath the whole time about being behind schedule because of Harry and Ron taking too much time to get ready, while Y/n kept huffing and puffing about having to walk for so long. ''I can't wait to get there, my bag's so heavy!''

Fred looked down at her. ''I can carry your bag, if you want.''

''No . . . no, you don't need to, Freddie.'' Y/n's cheeks became red and Fred felt his heart leap at the nickname. ''Thanks for the offer, but I'm fine. Anyway, how much more do we have to walk?''

''No idea.'' George shrugged. ''Hey, Dad! How long 'till we get there?''

''Not long. I see Amos already!''

''It's about time, son!'' Mr. Diggory called upon catching a glimpse of the big group. He, like Mr. Weasley, was carrying a big backpack with a tent on top, though Mr. Diggory's was noticeably smaller.

''Sorry, Amos!'' Mr. Weasley apologized. ''Some of us had a bit of a sleepy start.'' He turned and looked at Harry and Ron, who tried to hide behind Hermione and Ginny.

''This is Amos Diggory, everyone,'' Mr. Weasley introduced the other man. ''Works with me at the Ministry.''

There was rustling in the leaves and Y/n looked up, noticing a person perched on the tree. They jumped down and she recognized the Hufflepuff immediately. They were in the same year, after all. ''Ah, and this young lad must be Cedric, right?'' Mr. Weasley asked as he shook the teenager's hand.

''Yes, sir.'' Cedric nodded. ''This way.'' He made brief eye contact with Y/n before turning around and leading the group forward. Fred, having noticed the exchange, glared even harder at the Hufflepuff, not only because they beat them unfairly in Quidditch the previous year.

Y/n looked at the two girls in front of her, who'd turned towards her and were wiggling their eyebrows suggestively. The older girl huffed and wrapped her arms around each of the twins', saying, ''C'mon, guys. We have a Portkey to catch!''

The three walked and conversed, occasionally laughing. Cedric would glance at them from time to time. When Fred caught him, he'd throw dirty looks at the younger Diggory, then go back to laughing at whatever Y/n or his twin had said.

By the time they arrived on top of the hill where they were supposed to catch the Portkey, George had detached himself from the two, since he had to tie his shoes, and never attached himself again, so now it was just Y/n and Fred walking arm in arm. It felt strangely intimate to the latter.

''Why're we all standing around that manky old boot?'' Harry asked, staring down at the Portkey.

''It's not just any manky old boot, mate-''

''-it's a Portkey!''

Harry looked puzzled still, but the twins and Y/n proceeded to lay down next to each other, the girl being sandwiched between the two boys, each of them putting a finger on the dirty boot. Everyone else, except Harry, had done the same already and Mr. Diggory was already counting down the time.

''Harry, come on!'' Y/n called him and the boy dropped down next to George, touching the boot just as it disappeared. The group was spinning, their fingers as if glued to the boot. Y/n couldn't help but reach for Fred's hand, intertwining their fingers together for a little bit of comfort.

''Let go!'' Mr. Weasley yelled out.

''What?'' Harry called in disbelief, though he was the only one who hesitated. Everyone else detached themselves from the boot, free-falling from the sky. She landed on someone, causing both her and the person to groan in pain.

''I'm so sorry, Fred!'' Y/n frantically scrambled to get off him when she recognized his voice.

''It's fine, love,'' Fred spoke as he sat up, rubbing the back of his head. ''Are you alright?'' Y/n gave him a nod, then looked away from him and towards Mr. Weasley and the Diggorys, who were landing on the ground graciously.

''Show offs,'' Y/n scoffed, causing Fred to snicker. He got up and gave her a hand, helping her to stand up as well. The two dusted themselves off, and Y/n realized she was still holding onto Fred's hand. She retreated her hand with embarrassment and looked away when they were approached by the younger Diggory.

''Are you okay?'' asked Cedric as he was looking at Y/n.

Y/n smiled and was about to answer when Fred interjected. ''Yeah, we're fine.''

Cedric gave the redhead a quick look, then looked back at Y/n. ''I hope you have a great time at the match, Y/n.''

''You too, Cedric.'' The Hufflepuff gave her a smile, then walked away to join his father.

Fred scoffed at the exchange, bending down and grabbing both his and Y/n's bags off the ground and hoisting them on each of his shoulders. ''Let's go.''

Y/n furrowed her eyebrows at his behavior, though she didn't comment on it. She caught up to him and the others as they made their way to the register, where she came to find that the camp was owned by muggles.

''Y/n could you lend me a hand here, please?'' Mr. Weasley pleaded as he fumbled with the muggle bills he was holding.

After having sorted the payment out, they made their way inside the campsite, taking in the view. There were hundreds upon hundreds of tents, some looking normal, others looking way over the top. Y/n noticed some of them having chimneys and laughed. She noted how many people were showing their support to each team, then followed Mr. Weasley and the group towards their place.

He Calls Me Love | Fred Weasley x Fem!Reader ✔Where stories live. Discover now