Stalking the Criminal

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(Ava's POV)

"I'm so mad at Camren!" Ella said pacing back and forth. "Not only that, but she interrupted our date and our little moment." Ella said stopping and turning to wink at me.

I rolled my eyes, "Can you just stop complaining. I can't concentrate on my work especially since you're walking on the ledge of the schools rooftop."

"It's fine. I'm being careful." She said as she continued walking back and forth.

"If you fall I I won't be there to catch you." I said.

Ella raised a brow and smirked, "Oh you won't?"

I looked at her, "No."

She looked away and continued walking, but like her usual self her foot slipped and for some reason, like instinct, I jumped and ran to her to catch her, but she caught her self and began laughing.

"I knew you would've been there to catch me because you're all talk." Of course she tricked me.

I walked away and sat back down in my spot, "You're crazy."

She smiled her stupid smile, "Yeah crazy for you. Now" she said jumping off the ledge and walking over to me, "Where is Camren? She sure is taking her time getting here?"

"I don't know and I don't care at the moment. I'm busy with something right now." I said looking at my notebook trying to come up with ideas on what to enter in the competition.

"Are you still trying to come up with an idea for the art competition you told me about yesterday?"

I looked at her then back down at my book, "I'm sure you'll do good just don't stress. Anyways you should actually care. I mean we finally have evidence to turn that dick Steven in."

I stared at my book and thought about what she said. She's right. I mean he caused so many problems for me. More than anyone has and seeing him go to prison would probably make me feel better.

I closed my book and checked my phone for the time, "Camren is taking while."

(Camren's POV)

Two days ago. Saturday morning.

I woke up to the smell of burning toast and the beep of the fire alarms going off. A usual Saturday morning in the Dauria household. My younger brother would always wake up and try making breakfast for everyone, but would always inevitably burn something causing the fire alarms to go off. This morning it was burnt toast.

I groggily got up out of bed, putting on sweatpants since I sleep in compression shorts and a sports bra and slowly made my way to the kitchen where I saw my mom and brother opening windows.

"Caleb you're 14 years old. Can't you go a Saturday without almost burning the house down by now?" My mother asked while waving smoke out of the house.

"Hey at least I didn't catch the toaster on fire this time." He said shrugging his shoulders.

My mom glared at him, "Well since you set the alarms off, you know the drill."

Caleb sighed, "I know."

He walked over to his mess and began cleaning up, "Don't forget-

"I know mom. Don't forget to take the trash out then run 2 miles around the block." He said throwing dishes around.

"Hey watch your attitude." My mother warned. "Sorry."

He sighed. "I love you." He smiled.

My mom smiled back and kissed the top of his head, "I love you too, but you're still running the two miles."

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