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Wolves are naturally sociable creatures

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Wolves are naturally sociable creatures. Being a werewolf, it means I should bear similar characteristics, but I don't. I find happiness in isolation. I like to climb trees and hide up there for hours. I like to take runs on my own.

I find people complicated.

I find people my age, too immature.

I find that being around people offends me.

Is it that bad that I like being on my own? I don't know but my mother thinks I have serious issues that need attention.

A few days ago, word traveled all over pack territory that Bethany got rejected by the Gamma. Yes, I listen to the gossip even though I do not interact with people. I still need to know what is going on around my home. It's good to be oblivious but not all the time.

I don't understand why she would approach Gamma Judah. He's a pain in the butthole. The man is always brooding and snapping at people. If I had to compare him to a fictional character, he's Grumpy from the seven dwarves. I'm just saying the man could use a good smack in the behind every now and then.

Today is a Saturday evening. I finished my homework and just completed another book I found at the school library. My mother isn't home but at the pack house, cooking. She's the pastry chef there. The Alphas are very fond of her desserts.

I have nothing else to do. So, I decided to go for a walk.

I pulled on a thick black sweater to match my black sweatpants. Slipping on my converses, I stepped outside. Another weird fact about me, I am not a heater. Everyone else is but I am not. I can't keep myself warm for the life of me.

Going outside at night, I can hear my feet treading, the cracking of twigs and leaves under my footsteps. A wind blew harshly, and I had to bring up my hoodie to ward off the chill. Looking up into the sky, I can see the moon is out and full. It shone brightly through the thick branches and leaves.

I walked the familiar path. Making my way around logs, tree trunks, and little dips of dirt in the ground. On these walks, I am paying no mind to what is happening around me because one, we don't get invaded often. Two, we always have someone patrolling the borders. Three, no one is ever walking these woods this late at night.

Tonight, most juvenile wolves are out partying and drinking. Juvenile wolves are wolves who haven't fully turned eighteen and their mating switch has not been switched on. I couldn't stop my heart from thumping hard against my chest when I realized that in a week, I will be turning eighteen.

I don't know how I feel about this. A part of me longs for my mate. Another part of me is afraid. Afraid of finding him and he doesn't like me. I am abnormal. I am the only werewolf in this pack that wears glasses. My mom says it has to do with the fact that I read so damn much, I damaged my supernatural eyesight. I am a social outcast and introvert. I don't speak unless I really need to. I am often quiet in groups and people never notices me.

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