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The drive was long and extremely boring. But now I was here.

I was home.

I had drove here but my house was in the forest. I decided that the best possible thing for me to do was to park my car in the closest town and call a cab to take me back here.

I swerved around and remembered that there was a town not to far from here, Approximately 2 miles away.

I began to drive, ignoring my grumbling tummy.


As always the drive was long and boring. I was finally here. The town was called Franklin. It seemed like a humble place.

I drove through, noticing all the old-fashioned shops around.

Eventually I found a parking space in a parking lot. There weren't many cars around so that was pretty easy.

I looked around for a telephone box, hopefully it would have the number for a cab.

I found the number with ease. The cab would be here in 3 minutes. Slowly, I unloaded my things and set them on the pavement.

Every time someone walked past, I would glance at my watch. 3 minutes?! more like 30 minutes...

Finally the cab arrived. I was extremely weary. As soon as I got home I would eat and then sleep.

"Hello." I mumbled to the driver.

"You called?" he said with a heavy British accent.

" Yeah I.. Erm I need to get to this address" I said while handing him a piece of paper.

He looked at me and then at the paper before grabbing it. He seemed shocked as he read it, but instantly regained his posture when he saw me staring.

"Get In. I'll take your bags"

"Thanks" I said while getting into his car.

He quickly finished packing everything and then got in.

I made sure to sit in the back, i didn't want any awkward conversations.

While he checked his petrol and speed, I began to examine him. He looked around 25 and was quite thin. He was ginger and freckled.

His eyes where a gentle green but he seemed very rough.

After around 4 minutes he began to drive.

"We should get there in about 4 hours"

He said.

"Okay." I mumbled quietly.

"I hope you know that if you have to pee you won't be able to so if you have to go, go now."

My blood began to rise to my cheeks.

"I'm not five i don't think I need 'to go' thank you very much."

He only smirked and said "don't say I didn't warn ya cause I did"

" Whatever" i grumbled, annoyed at his attitude.


3 and a half hours Into the drive

Every now and then he would glance over at me and ask if I was ok, and every time he would ask I would answer 'yes' with the same bored tone.

Suddenly, I felt strange. I.. I had to pee!

I sighed and was just about to tell him that I needed to go, when I realised that I didn't even know 'his' name.

"What's your name?" I asked quietly.

"Thomson. but people call me Tom" he replied, looking back slightly.

"Cool" I said smiling.

"My names Alison by the way"

" I know." he said, laughing slightly.

Oh. Now I felt dumb. Of course he knew my name, how else could he have picked me up?

"Erm Tom?" I squeaked.


"I need to pee"

"Ha ha so funny"

"I'm serious"

"You... WHAT? I told you to go! I swear If you pee in my car I will kill you!"

"Don't worry I'll hold it!" I yelled.

He sighed. I slowly began to laugh.

"What's so funny?" he asked.

"I guess I am a five year old"

He slowly began to laugh. I could not believe how stupid I was. Even five year olds go pee before a long journey and here I was, 21 and I couldn't be bothered to.

"We're here" he said.

"What?! that was.. fast" I said.

"Yes. yes it was" he mumbled as he got out of the car and took my bags.

"Erm thank you" I grumbled.

"It's okay. I... Erm... so do you need any help with your bags?"

"No i think I can manage thanks"

"Okay, erm...Alison?"


"You have my number right?"


"Ok... Please be careful and call me if you need anything, okay?"

"Thank you Tom I will."

"Okay I should...er.. get going now."


Tom turned around, shocked slightly.

"When I gave you the address you seemed shocked...why?"

"Well because... no one comes here. they say that this place is haunted by a... by something... . There used to be a family that lived here and they where happy until the ghost started possessing the mother and... well. It's just a rumour.. I wouldn't believe it"


Ghosts? Hauntings? happy family's?!

What is going on?!


It seems like Alison has found out about some rumours...

What do you think is going to happen next?...

Thx for reading and pls feel free to Comment! :-D

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