Ch 7 - Punishments Revealed

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Copyright to VedaPettigrew

They travelled home in silence. It should have been a perfect opportunity for Rosannah to explain her difficult relationship with her parents or confess to him the extent of her stutter but all she could do was lean against him and think in terror of what awaited her at home.

What punishment would he administer for her three transgressions?

The thought beat over and over within her heart.

She knew within her deepest self that it would not be as severe as it was under her mother's cruel hands but she could not help but wish that twas a complete untruth that husbands disciplined their wives. However she knew better than to believe it. She had heard her mother's cries under her father's discipline enough times to know that it was real.

When they reached home, she turned to Henry as they climbed the stairs. Breathing deeply she asked, "Would you mind giving me a few minutes to get ready before joining me tonight?"

It was cowardly, she was only delaying the inevitable, but she need to gather her wits about her. Henry looked surprised but nodded his agreement. "See you in but a moment," he kissed her hand.

As she entered the room, she rang the pull to summon Maisie. She felt dreadful guilt when she appeared, half asleep.

"Oh Maisie, I should have known you weren't expecting me," she sat at her dressing table as Maisie started dismantling her hair.

"No my lady," she yawned, "tis me. I am sorry not to be better prepared."

Too soon Maisie had readied her for bed. Dully Rosannah dismissed her, and locked the outside door not wishing anyone to walk in on this moment. She had done so once as a child and received a severe punishment from her father as well as her mother, enough to satisfy her that it would never be a good thing to do again. Plus the sight of it had made her stomach turn. She never saw her back after her father had been upon it but seeing the marks, blood, and bruising on her mother's made her cry herself to sleep for weeks.

She shook her head. T'would not do to dwell on that. Tonight was scary enough.

Numbly, Rosannah sat on the bench at the foot of her bed, waiting. She hated this part, even though this time it was self-inflicted. Waiting was almost worse, especially now, not knowing what her punishment would be. Knowing it was coming from a man she adored.

Her heart spluttered. Would she feel the same way after? She could not admit to the same feelings for her father, though once she had been desperate for his approval. Eventually she had come to realise it would never happen and though the pain of it sat in her heart, she left the childish dream behind.

But her husband? He had already shown his approval to her so generously.

A sharp thorn buried into her heart. He could not feel so approving now. She had let him down and only had herself to blame for what was to come.

Just three offences according to her count. She breathed slowly in an unrealised attempt to quell her panic.

She heard the door open and clasped her hands tightly. She wore her night-rail and padded gown in the hopes that if he used a belt or cane like her father, it would lessen the pain.

He stood before her with confusion written on his face, "Why are you wearing that?"

Her breath caught. Another offence.

"Sorry, I shall remove it." Her fingers trembled as she undid the sash and let the robe slide off her shoulders. She could not look at her husband as she untied the laces of her night-rail and let it slide down to her waist.

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