Chapter 1.

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"NALA WAKE YO BLACK ASS UP AND TAKE THIS TRASH OUT!" My mother screamed from the top of her lungs at 7:30 am, I rolled out of bed and put on some grey draw string shorts and a tank top, and headed out my room.

As I walked into the little living room I saw my step dad mark look at me, I swear he's on some weird shit he's always looking at me, and the day he try some gone be the day he die. I walked past him and headed to the kitchen but he stopped me.

"Nala, why you actin like you can't speak, huh! I feel like you got a attitude, keep on you gone get a ass whoopin." He said, I ain't wanna hear "you got and attitude" cuz shit I'm taking the trash out and that's a mans job and his funky ass just sitting around getting drunk.

I went into the kitchen grabbed the bags, and headed to the trash shoot, on the way I looked around at my raggedy complex building, all types of this would go on here, drive by's, prostitution, dealing drugs and other things, I swear when I come up I'm getting out of here and I ain't buying my mama no house on the hills, the fuck.

I walked into the house and headed to my small room and locked the door and started to take a shower, when I was done I picked out a simple outfit, since I couldn't afford anything but that. After I was done I headed out the door.

"Nala lashay brown! We're the fuck you think you going, you bout to get your ass in this house and clean this hoe spotless!" My mom said holding my little brother nakean.

"Ma, I got work I have to go." I said lying, ain't wanna stay in this house.

"Ouuu you get on my nerves, when you get off my house better be clean!" She said always yelling.

"Why can't you do it?" I asked, she quickly grabbed my hair and punched me dead in my mouth, if she wasn't my mama she would've got this work.

"Cuz I'm grown ion gotta do nun ion want to!" She said walking away, held my mouth and walked out the door to Asia's house, asia's been my best friend since kindergarten, and when ever my mom would beat me I'd sneak away to her house, she had a good life her parents were rich and she had all the nice shoes and clothes, but her family treated me as there own.

I walked to the stop sign and wait for her to pull up to get me. She pulled up in her all black Benz her parents bought here for her 17 th birthday, I got a whoopin on my 17 th birthday. I hopped in the car and gave her a hug.

"The bitch let you out the house?" She laughed talking about my mom.

"Nah I had to lie to get out." I laughed. We drove up to her big house and hopped out the car I looked across the street because there was always this fine ass lightskin dude across the street, I've never talked to him I only looked at him cause he was a fine ass dude, but I think he got a girlfriend cuz there always some white girl over there.

We were walking up to the door when we i heard a deep sexyyyyyyy voice behind us. I turned around and it was ole dude across the street, but he wasn't talking to me he was talking to Asia.

"Aye Asia were rome at?" He asked Asia referring to her boyfriend. Then he looked at me and smirked!! But I played like Ian see it.

"Boy ion kno ion keep tabs on his ass." She said sounding ghetto knowing she ain't ever lived in the ghetto, it made me giggle le a lil bit, and that got his whole attention.

"What's yo name?" He said towering over me with a grin. I looked around to see if he was talking to me and he indeed was talking to me!

"..nala." I said shyly.

"Ight na you got a boyfriend?" He asked, I smirked at the way he changed my name to "Na" .

"No." I said still actin shy and shit but in my head a bitch was hype!

"Ole that's what's up, but can a nigga get yo number?" He asked and Asia hits my in my back and nods her head jumping up and down.

"I guess." I said blushing and we switched phones and handed them back, then he walked off.

"Imma hit you up later!" He said as he walked off. Asia looked at my and started shaking me.

"Ohh my fuckingggg godddd my best friend pulled HARLEMMMMMMM! Bitch I need to go ahead and teach you how to ride dick." She said loud as hell and the nigga was barely across the street.

"I'm not going to do anything with him, I don't even kno him and he only asked for my number PLUS he got a girlfriend." I said squinting my eyes.

"Bitch you can't be a virgin forever and that nigga don't got no girlfriend, just hoes." She said.

"Exactly and I'm not signing up to become one." I said.

She rolled her eyes "bitch whatever.. you hungry?" She asked while walking into the house.

"You kno I am."


Something small🥰

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