Experiencing Technical Difficulties

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(Well this is more along the schedule I wanted to have. So I had to actual research for this, and it may be wrong, but I'm trying here. Halo lore can be convoluted as hell, and sometimes there's multiple sources pulling me in different directions. This chapter will also be missing Six, for those of you that liked having a bit more Slayer in the mix. He will be returning next chapter though. I look forward to my regular commenters, but that's all I got.)

"You need to prime the fuel cells before trying to initiate take off! No, don't retract the landing gear yet! Have you ever flown a ship before?!" D.O.T. nagged and critiqued as the Slayer frantically fiddled with the controls of the overcomplicated Prowler as the Covenant closed in.


"You really need to learn how to talk to a lady." The Slayer tore the co-pilot's chair loose with a metallic groan and a raging cry and threw it with the force of a cannon at a boarding Elite, crushing it's chest with ease and impaling it's organs with the jagged connecting piece. "Yeah yeah, start with flicking those switches there."

D.O.T. guided the belligerent man through most of the pre-flight proceedings, nearing completion when the metallic clanking of more intruders proved too good an opportunity for the Slayer to pass up. The jackal and five grunts garnered a mere 30 seconds, extended to such an outrageous number only by the decision of the last grunt to squeak out the word Demon before it's death. When questioned, and giving no answer about it, the impish alien was left choking to death as the Slayer removed it's methane breather and crushed it. The last few preparations were made to the wet choking cries of the little alien, and by the time D.O.T. had given the green light for take off, they had ceased.

"Now you'll need to open the bay doors and we'll be ready to leave." The destruction of the Pilot's chair let D.O.T. know how pleased the Slayer was to receive this news, but he marched out of the ship and down the ramp all the same. Plasma fire funneled out from a freshly erected plasma turret, splashing against the Slayer's armor and attracting his unwelcome attention. The Grunt behind it found his head shoved down into his throat in one fluid motion, now incapable of manning his gun. The Tyrant pushed ever more towards the bay doors. A small control room lay at the end of the cavernous room, besides the two giant metal doors that kept the smoke filled air out of the compound.

The small room had a thin aluminum door on it, bashed down in an attempt to release anger. It helped little, and after slamming down the green release switch that started the slow parting of the bay doors. The Slayer then stomped back to the ship, D.O.T. prattling on about self control or something, all with a little twist to her voice barring laughter from spilling out.
Returning to the helm of the ship, D.O.T. eased her tone to calm the beast she had awoken in the first place, but couldn't help but throw in one last jest.

"Now pick up... Spartan Six? Is that what you decided to call him?" The tightening of a gloved hand was quite audible in the tight space. "Relax. Just take him down the small hall, third door on your left." He begrudgingly obeyed, stooping down and scooping the injured super soldier's limp body into his arms. Half a dozen big strides carried him to that very door, and it slid open before he could ready a kick to level it.

"Let's try not to destroy the entire ship before take-off, okay?" These words fell on deaf ears as focus shifted to the little medical station situated inside. The long metal table presented an ideal place to lay Six down, which was exactly what the Slayer did. Six appeared dead, as lifeless as the corpses that had littered the facility. A slight pang of emotion shuddered throughout the Slayer's body, causing him to avert his eyes.

"Now head back to the cockpit." The Slayer stormed out of the room and back down the hall, wanting this over with as soon as possible. Reaching the cockpit once more, footsteps could be heard running up the ramp. "Go deal with them, I will make a copy of my chip to fly this thing while you do."

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