♡ When they do something stupid ♡

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Requested by: ZZsHere

Third Reich:

• He would usually play with his gun.
•You would try grabbing the gun from him
•He wouldn't stop but you didn't gave up
•He would keep on shooting trespassers

•He didn't listen to your scolding a** which made you groan
•You have an idea which is the only option to make him stop
•You didn't like this idea but did it anyway.
•You stepped right in front of him and kiss him right on the lips
•He tensed up but relaxed, stopped shooting, and wrapped his arms around your waist
•Great job, (Y/N)!

Soviet Union:

•He will always do something dumb when he's drunk
•You try helping him to his room for him to sleep and to stop his nonsense
•He wouldn't budge cuz he's too strong
•Theres only one way to make him go to his room
•"Soviet. Listen up. If...you go to your room right now....I'll....beyourmaidfortomorrow" you said rather too quick.
•He looks at you for a few seconds and left to go for his room.
•Oh boy. I hope he doesn't remember anything when he wakes up tomorrow.


•His arguements with France always turn into fights
•You would try prying them off of each other but they seem stronger than you
•You panicked as they France is about to stab Brit with a shattered wine handle while Brit is about to pour boiling hot tea on him
•You got in between them and---..... you were rushed into a hospital after that
•Well, at least they stopped fighting


•He hates seeing you with another men
•Right now, your talking to a charismatic man
•The way the man has his hand leaning on the wall beside you and making you laugh did NOT make him happy AT ALL.
•He looked at his vodka bottle then you then vodka bottle then you, hesitating if he should continue drinking or go right at that man.
•He walk towards the man and did smthn stoopid, he smashed the vodka bottle right on his head, the man passed out.
•Reader-chan was only shocked :O


He hates losing on video games
•He tries his hardest to win the game you guys are playing
•You would always win which made him rage quit
•He shouted some angry words and stomp his foot like a child
•He even tried braking the console but you stop him
•Which resulted him to throw the controller in your face and the controller broke.
•He apologized after and drowned you with love and affection.


•He was waay to stressed on paperworks
•You would try to tell him to sleep or eat but he wouldn't listen, He's too focused
•You hated seeing him like this and you would try prying him off the table
•The oh noes. He's really stoopid.
•He flipped the table and walk towards you with an insane look.
•He cornered you and raised his pen and stabbed your shoulder
•He realized what he has done and buried you in his arms as he apologized

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