dangerous game.

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"State your name from last to first. " He said, while he banged the clipboard on the table. That made you flinch, but you weren't scared you were far from scared in fact you had anger and adrenaline rushing through your veins.

"My name" You said with a smirk "what does it matter to you " You said angrily. Moving your wrist that were tied down to the table violently.

" You're playing a dangerous game here if I were you I would watch how I talk " He said. You thought for a second and looked at the man in front of you. You had to admit the man was handsome something about his aura was intriguing it really was.

"L/N Y/N" You said through gritted teeth. I mean it would be easier just to give in to the questions instead of arguing all day you were already getting bored. Good thing you were tied down to the table cause he had no idea who he was messing with. You laugh to yourself.

He was busy writing till he heard you. He could not believe his ears. Is that laughing!? He thought to him self with disbelief he looks up to see you looking directly at him smirking.

He makes eye contact for a couple of seconds before he continues to what he was writing then he was done. He looks at you once again and say "what's so funny" With questioning eyes.

You simply say "you wouldn't understand if I told you. " And you look to the right of you and look straight into the mirror like window. "All of you" You said quietly like a whisper.

"How did you know that there's more of us" He said. You laugh again but this time louder and Scarsticly "you think I'm that dumb even a dog would know." He laughs with you and you stop laughing and look at him. His two deep dimples showing when he just lightly smiles. " You're very funny " He says.

With that he leaves the room and picks up the clipboard he had recently slammed. "Wait" You say " Who are you" He looks at you and smirks "someone you should be afraid of"

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