Behaving Like That

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"You're his Beta. Mason and Axel: the inseparable duo! What do you mean he kicked you out?" Tyler voiced out my thoughts. I was so confused, and a little part of me was crying out to try and get in contact with my mate to see what's happening. Why would the Alpha of the strongest pack kick his Beta out? That is the craziest and most reckless thing he could have done. And it can't possibly because Mason found his mate, right? Axel knows better than that. 

"Listen, Ty, we're really tired, and Vicky is completely traumatized. Just give us a few minutes to rest and we'll tell you everything that has been happening at Blood Venom. But we just need a break," I heard Mason say as he looked at his mate. He hugged her tightly and he kissed her forehead as he gestured to Tyler about Victoria's state. She looked so worn out, nothing like the fire I saw in her when she first got here.

I move my leg and a few leaves rustle underneath my foot, drawing Mason's attention to me.  I ignored the look of surprise on Mason's face for realizing that I'm here. I think he was about to ask me something but closed his mouth, shook his head, and decided against it.

"Alright, why don't you guys go inside? We have a lot to catch up on. Here, let me help you with your suitcases," he offered, as he guided Mason back to the house.  After looking around, I saw that they didn't come by car, so it must have been a very long journey for them to come here, especially if they had some luggage with them. It didn't look like they had a lot of stuff, just enough to get by for a few days at a new place. I silently walked at Victoria's pace, and let her rest some of her weight on me as she dragged her feet. What would make Axel do this? 

"Gwen, Mason and his mate are here," Tyler hollered at his wife as we entered the house.

"Uncle Mason's here!" I heard Emory's cute voice squeal as she rushed towards the front door and bounced as she saw Mason. He effortlessly picked her up and tossed her in the air multiple times before kissing all over her face. 

"Who's my favorite niece in the world?" he asked her. I knew Mason was exhausted, but the energy he was giving Emory was unmatched, not letting her realize the amount of trouble him and his mate were just in.  

"Me!" she energetically giggled, wrapping her tiny arms around her uncle's neck. Well, she was his only niece, but the exchange was adorable, nonetheless. As she hugged her uncle, Emory saw Victoria behind him, and did a shy wave, for which Vicky waved back.

"Hi, I'm Gwen, the Scarlet Guardian Pack's Luna, it is so nice to meet you!" Gwen reached out to Vicky and they hugged.

"You too, I'm Victoria," she introduced herself. "You have a lovely home," she continued, her voice sounding a little weak. Victoria stood back right next to me. Even though we've barely known each other, we truly connected, and now that she was in a completely new place, I think she found me comforting.

"Well, would you like to go take a shower? It looks like you had a long trip," Gwen offered.

"Oh, I'm sorry if I smell bad. It's just that we were on the road for a long time, and it was a very long walk." Vicky's face became beet red as she kept trying to explain herself.

"You don't smell bad, Victoria. Don't worry about it, I just thought that a nice, warm bath would feel better. That's all. I'll go get everything ready for you, okay? Here, follow me, and we will let Mason, Callista, and Tyler catch up," Gwen said, as she headed towards the second floor, grabbing Victoria's hand with her.

"You're here," Mason said. But, he sounded like he was upset for some reason. 

"So, are you," I remarked, trying to figure out what's happening. His tone reminded me of the time when we first met, when saying only the necessary words with an intimidating tone was all he needed to do to communicate with me.  

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