Chapter Six- Livia

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My eyes fly open. Morning light begins to creep through the canvas flaps. A subtle buzz radiates over me and a strange pulse flows through my veins. The golden mirror, the mist—was it all real?

Throwing my furs off, I rush to the opening, and stumble over our packed supplies.


Amah rushes over from feeding Rosie.

"En Oli, are you..."

She falters slightly before climbing up and grabbing hold of my face.

"Well, I'll be. It's happened." Her eyes roam over me.

"How can you tell?" I ask.

Amah promptly goes into the back of the wagon. I hear her rummaging around. What is she doing? Finally, she pops back out and hands me her hand mirror. Confused, I take it and peer at my reflection.

"Holy Maker! My eyes!"

"I can no longer deny the prophecy. It's true after all. I never imagined I'd see the magic return. But here it is. My En Oli, a true heir, and a true joy." She takes my hands.

A tingling sensation shoots through me and I jerk my hands back.


"When you grabbed my hands, I felt something."

Her brow rises. "Try again."

I take her hands hesitantly. This time when the tingling comes, I don't let go. An amused smile lightens Amah's features, and I know she feels something too. Curious, I close my eyes.

My world vanishes. No sound. Only darkness. Amah's hands are luminous in front of me, floating in the air by themselves. I notice the many layers. Her hands are translucent. I see everything.

A red hue pulsates from the joints of her hands. Something pulls me along, pushes to reach out. As if knowing what to do, I sweep the redness away. A golden tint takes its place.

I open my eyes.

Amah inspects her hands, spreading her fingers out in front of her.

"Did you feel it?" I ask.

She nods slowly. "It felt warm, almost hot. Then the feeling vanished, and there was nothing—no warmth, no pain."

"My gift is healing! The gift of Guardian Pynth!"

For so long I've dreamed of this, and now it's my reality.

Amah beams. "Knowing your parents didn't die in vain helps lift some of the sorrow I've carried all these years." She shakes her head in giddy disbelief. "Happy Birthday, En Oli."

She grabs the reins, laughing to herself. This is surreal. Magic is back. And in me!

"I'm glad you decided for us to go to Pynth. I definitely need Regent Grif's protection now. When word gets out, King Kgar will send more than just one assassin after me."

"Yes, he will. We must keep you hidden as best we can until we reach the city. Trust no one."

"Except for Annie. Right?"

"Yes, except for Annie. She'll be as vigilant as I am to make sure you are kept safe."

A light breeze pulls some of my long hair across my face, and I brush it away. Amah once told me that Annie was the only person she could think to take us in those many years ago. They grew up in an orphanage together and always relied on one another. So when Amah escaped with me, she remembered that Annie had moved to Kale. Fortunately, Annie knew of an abandoned cottage out in the pines. For Annie, too, knew the danger I was in.

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