Meeting Crowley

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(You can read this if wanted.)

I woke up, as per usual.
It'd been a nice day, however all days had been nice in Tadfield the past 11 years. My name is (Y/N), just some girl. Only, I'm not normal. That stupid "heaven or hell" system made me who I am today. See, I didn't do many good or bad things, I somewhat broke the process. What they did to me was they placed me back as a human, only they left me with the powers. I have a half and half weakness to holy water and/or fire. Anyway, one day I was taking a normal walk in the park, totally normal. Then, I saw them. Two guys talking while sitting on a bench. One of them was sitting up, he had white, fluffy looking, hair. He also wore a beige frock coat, under was a brown-buttoned vest, with a bowtie. Next to him, was a taller man, he was slouching and had red-ish hair. He wore dark shades, a black coat, and a grey tie-looking thing. I walked past them, and they looked like they were talking about me. I brushed it off, and kept walking.

-timeskip cuz lazy-

I was in a restaurant, eating, thats the thing you do in restaurants. And who do I see? The two men from earlier! I was a bit perplexed, but ignored them. The red haired guy seemed to notice me, as I noticed them. He whispered something to the other guy and they sat a table near me. The red haired guy leaned to me and asked "Hey, aren't you the girl from earlier?" I nodded, raising an eyebrow. "I feel like I've met you before, but eh." He went back to chatting with the other guy. I finished eating and he leaned to me again. "Listen, I wanna talk to you later, meet me in the park after this." He said. "Uh, alright..?" I responded, then I went on with my day.

As he requested, I waited for him in the park. As I waited, I sat on a bench. After a while, he arrived. "Sorry I'm late. Anywho, I wanna see if I can remember who you are, ya know? So don't tell me yet." He was thinking, immensely. I looked confused, and even slightly chuckled. He sighed. "Seems I can't." He sat next to me. "Can ya tell me?" I nodded. "I'm (Y/N)." I answered. He seemed to get an idea. "Hey! I know that name!" He looked a bit surprised. "You're that girl they couldn't decide weather was good or bad!" He kinda shouted. "Yep.. thats me." I shrugged. "I bet Aziraphale knows you too." I raised an eyebrow. "Who's 'Aziraphale'? And I don't remember your name." He looked surprised. "Name's Crowley, and Aziraphale is my friend." I think I remember something about the name 'Aziraphale'. Eh. "Well, is that all you wanna talk about?" I asked. "One more thing, do you wanna meet Aziraphale soon?" He asked. I nodded while smiling like a dork. He gave a 'see ya later' nod and drove off in his Bentley. I walked to my little apartment and went to bed, today was exhausting.

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