Chapter 23: Liars

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It was close to sunrise and we followed Dami out of the tunnel. I still had no word from Wes. The whole open field had vampires and werewolves fighting. Dominic raced after Dami in wolf form. I needed to find Wes.

"Salina come back. It's not safe"  Dominic mind links.

"I need to get Wes"

"No we need to stay together. It's a trap" he argues.

Before I could go back to him, I caught Wes scent near by. I spotted Scott carrying a passed out Wes in wolf form and sprinting away from the safe house with Rose.

"They are running towards the north border" I tell Dominic.

"Dami is going the same direction. Proceed with caution,I'll meet you there" He directs.

I followed them slowly so they won't be able to trace my scent. As I got towards the north border, the scent of the wolfsbane got stronger. Even though it was retracted there was still a faint smell and it was able to affect me in my most vulnerable state.

They stopped moving suddenly and turned around and shifted back into human form. If the wolfsbane was affecting me, it surely was doing the same to them.

"I know you are there, Salina. We just want the ruby" Scott shouts.

"There's a member of your new pack that's very injured. She'll die soon. Give me the ruby and we'll tell you where she is. If you don't, her and your brother will die" He shouts again looking around unable to detect me. The wolfsbane was messing with his senses.

"I see you" Dominic spoke in my head.

Out of nowhere, his wolf tackles Scott to the ground and three wolves came charging towards Rose who held Wes. She was frightened and suddenly let him go. I race over to her to get him. He was now conscious again.

"Five to two, does that seem fair to you?" Scott growl.

"You invaded my pack, being fair doesn't matter" Dominic bellowed.

"Are you okay?" I asked Wes.

"yes...Scott..he's here" He replied weakly.

"Yeah, I know" I say and hugged him tighter.

"How about you and me one-on-one?" Scott propose. "If I win, I get the ruby. If I don't you, do whatever you want to us and the vampires will retreat."

"It's a trap" I mind link.

"Maybe, but I can do this" Dominic responds.


I moved Wes to Amir who was behind me. Amora came over to me limping.

"Are you alright?" I asked.

"Yeah, that Rose bitch thought she got me, but I got away" She replied.

I held onto her and watched the fight that was about to happen. I was extremely worried because Scott was dirty. The fight began and it was two large wolves clashing against each other. Scott used his sharp claws to scratch Dominic's wolf hard but it didn't seem to affect him. He charged and knocked Scott on the ground and was about to bite him hard for the kill move.

Suddenly, Rose threw something towards Dominic. His wolf had Wolfsbane all over him and Dominic turned into human and was unable to breathe. He held onto the ground trying to breathe and fighting to stay conscious. Before I could go over to Rose, Marcus attacked her in wolf form destroying her into pieces. Scott and Dami sprint towards me. I got ready to turn into wolf form.

My attention turned to Dominic who just stood up. He had a red aura all over him. His eyes illuminated red.

"I dare you to touch her" He growled causing the whole ground to rumbled.

"You should be dead" Scott stopped and turned to Dominic in shock.

Dami used his vampire speed  to move over to me but before he could touch me , Dominic grabbed him by the throat angrily. The Vampire leader turned bright red and into ashes in the arms of my mate. I enjoyed every moment of it. It caused the rest of the vampires to disappear as well.

"I don't like liars" Dominic growled at Scott.

Scott was scared shitless and tried to run away but Dominic leaped over to him with unbelievable speed.

"What do you have to say to my mate?" Dominic growled as he applied pressure onto Scott's neck.

"I'm sorry" Scott says.

"Can you bring my mother back?" I snarl angrily.

"I'm sorry" He repeats.

"Sorry isn't enough" I say.

Dominic's wolf howled and tore him to pieces. His screams brought me back to my burning old family home where the lifeless body of my mom laid. His screams were music to my ears but it could never bring her back.

I went over to Dominic who still had that red aura around him. He shifted back.

"I think you've had enough of this crazy stone" I tell him taking the Ruby from him.

"Yeah" He says weakly. He was bleeding heavily from the claw mark on his chest.

"Let's go home" I say taking his hand. We slowly walked away from the border and back into pack grounds.


It's been a couple of hours later and I sat next to Dominic waiting for him to wake up. I healed his wounds as soon as we got to the house. I stroke his face and hair as I watched him sleep. Is that creepy? No.

"Hey" his voice deeper than ever.

I happily moved on top of him and kissed all over his face repeatedly. He laughs at my actions and cupped my face to kiss me deeply.

"Did you see me out there?" He says excitedly."I was dusting people like Thanos."

"I thought you said you don't watch superhero movies" I questioned.

"Shh, don't expose me" He reply.

"Your secret is safe with me" I say.

"Now I can finally introduce you to the whole pack as the Luna even though everyone knows by now" Dominic says.

"Yeah" I yawn tiredly and lay next to him.

"I almost forgot"

"Forgot what?" I asked.

"Happy birthday" Dominic says.

"Is today really my birthday?" I gasp.

He showed me the calendar on his phone and indeed it was.

"Thank you, my love" I say giving him a peck on his lips.

I held onto him resting my head on his chest. I was able to get some sleep without thinking of Diane and her colleagues. For once in a very long time, I was at peace.

I think Salina and Dominic have a Capricorn-Taurus relationship.

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