Chapter 11

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"You won't believe this." Lexa sounds equally incredulous and amused when Clarke picks up the phone. "Anya just left my office, and you won't believe this."

"She told you about Raven."

Lexa's pout is audible in her voice, and Clarke grins as she pours herself some water. "How did you know?"

"Logic, mostly," Clarke says, taking a small sip. Work has been hectic, and she's happy to have a minute to herself. Especially if she spends that minute with Lexa, even if only on the phone. "Ordinary people also apply it sometimes, miss CEO." Lexa huffs, and she chuckles. "Alright, I'll stop. What did she tell you?"

"Apply logic," Lexa grins on the other end, causing Clarke to burst with laughter. She chuckles along as she waits for her to calm down before continuing. "She shared some... concerns that may or may not have to do with workplace romances being frowned upon. You guess how your friend plays into it."

"Oh my God," Clarke barely stops herself from laughing again as she imagines Anya, usually perfectly put-together Anya, nervously pacing Lexa's office as she pours her heart out. "She likes her."

"That would be an understatement," Lexa notes dryly, "but yes. And she's rather rattled. And she asked me to ask you if Raven talked about her. I swear, sometimes it's like I'm running a kindergarten."

Clarke can't hold her laughter any longer. "I'm sorry, it's just – I can't even imagine Anya telling you all this. I hope you have cameras in your office."

"I don't, actually," Lexa says. The newfound knowledge almost takes Clarke's train of thought in a vastly different direction, but she forces herself to ignore it. For now. Later, when she's alone in her room, though...

"Well, anyway," she clears her throat and winces at how loud her voice suddenly becomes, "um, Raven definitely likes Anya. Do what you will with that information. And I'm definitely feeling third grade right now."

Lexa sighs on the other end. Clarke imagines her shake her head and pinch the bridge of her nose when she speaks again. "I'd rather stay out of it."

"You read my mind."

"Yes. Anyway," Lexa clears her throat. She sounds a little unsure, a little tentative, but not in a way that makes Clarke's stomach coil with guilt. It's the adorable kind of unsure, as Clarke's dubbed it in her head. Like when she doesn't know what to do with her hands and ends up shoving them in her pockets. Like when almost a year ago, when she wanted to kiss her but wasn't sure she'd welcome it. "I'm also calling to ask if you're free this evening."

"Why, Miss Woods," Clarke grins into the phone. "Sounds like you are about to propose we break the one date per week rule."

Lexa lets out a playful scoff. "I'm pretty sure we broke it a month ago," she says. "The amount of non-dates we've had far outweighs the number of actual dates." And she's right. They unanimously decided not to tell Dr. Grant for now. Clarke thinks that with their progress, she wouldn't have minded, but, well. Just in case.

"So is it a non-date or a date?" She can't help but tease Lexa. Secretly, she's hoping to prolong their conversation.

She holds in a giggle when she hears a sigh. "Clarke." Lexa's smile is audible in her voice, even if she tries to make it sound exasperated. "Are you free or not?"

"Of course I am," she chuckles. "Whether it's a date or a non-date."

"I guess we'll figure it out as we go. But I, um, I actually wanted to discuss something."

Clarke's smile fades. She clutches the phone, feeling her heart squeeze anxiously. This is it, she thinks bitterly to herself. This is one of the moments that shatter the illusion of normalcy.

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