Chapter 17: Childish

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❀ Azalea ❀

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❀ Azalea ❀

"I haven't seen you for a long time," I tell the sweet homeless man that I gave that money to all that time ago.

Aaron gave me two hundred more dollars.

"I remember you," the man smiles up at me from his seat on the curb.

"I got a new pair of shoes with that money, thank you very much," he says sincerely and I smile.

"Well, I have even more for you," I take out a hundred dollars. So what if I need it, this guy doesn't even have a home, he needs it more.

"I can't take this, it's too much!" he exclaims, his eyes wide.

"Don't be silly," I place it in his slightly dirty hands, my smile never faltering.

"Thank you very much," he nods. I walk away feeling happy.

Until I remember where I'm walking to. Grey's restaurant. Is it even his? I don't know.

He's taken on the act of ignoring me. Which has not made me the happiest person in the world considering he's been doing it for three whole days.

Who the freak am I supposed to talk to? Mr. Terrip and the books?

And who does he think he is ignoring me?

I realize that I'm the one that probably taught him that since I did it too but that was different.

An end is coming to this immediately.

If one of us is upset, we need to talk it out. Especially if I don't even know what the crackhead is mad for.

I make it there and see the 'Closed' sign on the door. Like that'll stop me. I open it and walk in.

I'm such a bad-butt.

"We're closed," small peepee guy stops in front of me.

"I don't care," I send him my best glare as a group of guys come through the doors to the back. I see beautiful hair guy and even nice butt guy.

"Leave," he glares down at me.

"Do you want to get got? 'Cause you're about to be," I warn and he rolls his blue eyes.

"I'm not scared of some little girl," he sneers. Oh, he should be. I'm crazy, he doesn't know what I'll do.

"You think you're so big and bad just because you're taller than me. Is that it?" I narrow my eyes at him.

"You're a little shit," he growls out like that'll offend me or something. Well, guess what? He's an even bigger crap.

I feel a presence behind me and before I can get my last word in. I'm yanked back by the belt loop on the back of my shorts.

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