Chapter eighteen

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We arrived and I got out of the car looking at the huge mansion in front of me, but not as big as James's. We head inside and the gang members bowed their head in respect showing they didn't want trouble. Why is everyone so scared of James?

We enter the office and I couldn't believe my eyes. It can't be him?

My eyes met a pair of familiar hazel eyes that cause butterflies to erupt in my stomach. From all the guys in the world why him? I swear to god this world is out to get me or something, like seriously.

Ashton was wearing a white shirt and left the top three buttons undone, his sleeves were rolled up showing his tattoos on both of his arms, black jeans and a pair of black shoes. Why does he have to look so good for?

It's going to be one long meeting...

The meeting was finally over. Thank the god lord. I have never been so uncomfortable in my life. Ashton kept looking at me through out the whole meeting while James was glaring at him and Mamie and Kelsey kept moving their gaze from me and Ashton. Ugh, sometimes I really hate them and I never want to go through that ever again.

I was about to leave the mansion until I was pulled back in and found myself pinned against the wall. Why do I always find myself in these weird situations? Can't the world pick on someone else?

"Hello angel," Aston says in a low husky voice making my knees feel weak.

"I'll pick you up at 7 tomorrow," he whispers against my ear that sent shivers down my spine. What is he doing to me? I was so lost in his eyes I almost missed what he said.

"What do you mean pick me up at 7?" I say finally finding the words to speak.

"Don't forget you promised to go on a date with me on Friday and I don't like it when people break their promises."

Shit. I forgot about that, but does he seriously wants to go on a date with me after I yelled at him at school and avoided him? What a strange guy. I just wish someone in my life was normal, but I doubt that would happen anytime soon.

I was so caught in my thoughts that I forgot that Ashton still had me pinned against the wall.

"Can you um like move? I need to get home you know," I said hoping he would let go of me which he did.

"Bye angel, I'll see you tomorrow night and wear something casual," he says as I walk away from him.

When I was finally away from him and inside the car I couldn't help but smile about what just happened. Omg do I like him? I honestly don't know, I've never liked a guy before. I guess we're just gonna have to see what happens...

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