VI. Connection

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"We are like islands in the sea, separate on the surface but connected in the deep." William James


Chapter VI – Connection

Mom didn't say a word the next morning. It was just like every other morning. We ate breakfast got ready, and then got in our prospective cars for work and school.

When I pulled into the lot, I noticed that Shea was waiting for me, leaning against his truck. He didn't look like he had been out half the night. I, on the other hand, looked a wreck. I was still yet to find my makeup and so my under-eye bags were on show today.

I parked in the spot next to Shea's truck and shut off the engine.

He beat me to my door, opening it for me and helping me out. I didn't need help, but it was sweet of him to offer.

"Did your mom find out about last night?" he asked me quietly.

"No, you were lucky," I replied in the same hushed tone.

"And are you okay?" he checked.

I felt the blood rush to my cheeks again. I looked down at my feet and fidgeted with the zipper on my book bag.

"No, come on," Shea encouraged. He placed a warm hand on my cheek and brought my eyes to his. "Sara. You don't have to be embarrassed while you're with me. You don't have to be anything but yourself."

I couldn't understand his sincerity, just like I couldn't understand anything else that had happened over the last few days. But against my better judgement, my gut was telling me to trust him.

"Are you sure you don't mind?" I whispered. I felt naked in front of him asking these questions. The epitome of vulnerability.

Shea pulled me into a hug, and I relaxed in his strong arms. "I can't wait for you to understand," he murmured into my hair. He released me after a minute and took my hand in his. "Let me walk you to your first class."

I thought that Monday had been ridiculous with all the staring and the whispers, but today was worse. I was walking hand in hand with Shea Braverman and everyone's eyes seemed glued to our connection.

I was very aware of it. Shea seemed oblivious. Or maybe he was just that confident and comfortable. I tried not to notice but it was hard when every man and his dog seemed absolutely intrigued by you.

I mean, what was so interesting? Were there not couples at the school? I had not been here long enough to really know many. But I knew for a fact that Cece and Jamie were together. Cece had his name tattooed on her left boob, for Christ's sake! Was that not stranger than me holding Shea's hand?

"Shea, everyone is looking at us!" I finally hissed at him when we reached my locker. I punched in the combination for my lock and opened it, using the door as a sort of shield to protect me from the prying eyes.

"Well, if it makes you feel any better, they're not looking at me."

I slammed the door of my locker once I had my Spanish book and stared at him, deadpan. He was teasing me and was trying not to laugh at my expense.

"You're cute when you're angry," he commented, tapping my nose with his index finger infuriatingly.

"Trust me, you won't think I'm very cute for long. I can hit hard," I threatened. I had never hit anything in my life, but I had the urge to wipe that grin off of Shea's face. He was enjoying this too much. Perhaps he enjoyed being the centre of attention, but I certainly didn't.

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