40. Huang Seeking Feng

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The execution grounds had a solemn atmosphere.

A burly man was announcing all of the crimes committed along with the list of the perpetrators' names.

In the large open place, only his rough voice could be heard.

There was no yelling, no persecuting among the audience. Most looked on with ridicule, yes. And some reveled in schadenfreude. But none had pity in their eyes.

The chain of people who were wearing coarse white prisoner clothes didn't expect any either. They knew in their hearts all the atrocities they had done.

They were even lucky that the Emperor changed his mind and decided to spare their elderly, women, and the young. Now only those who were direct and indirect felons remained.

When the sun rose to its highest. Countless blades descended.

It was done.

All eyes turned to the person standing on the highest platform, wearing golden robes embellished with a fierce dragon.

Under the sun, his Majesty stood resplendently. Nobles and commoners alike couldn't help but gape in awe.

"Zhen's cherished children..." Emperor Du Liang extended an arm. "Da Xia has no place for conspirators. This is a lesson for all of you."

His voice was low and magnetic, somehow reaching the thousands of people present.

The masses felt their legs tremble in awesome fear. This was the Son of Heaven!

The crowd rippled and all kowtowed towards him. "Long live! Long live! Long live your Majesty!"

All their voices combined, resonated in every corner of the imperial city.

Night at the Emperor's study...

Gao Le princess was secretly summoned to the palace. But when she arrived, Xia Lian Bei was also there.

She ignored her uneasiness and saluted towards the Emperor who was sitting but somehow looked like he aged a lot in the span of one day.

The grandiose he had at the execution grounds vanished like smoke.

"Sit down, child. Zhen has called you two for very important matters."

Yin Hua Lei didn't dawdle around and sat next to Feng prince.

Emperor Du Liang eyed them both before speaking. "I'm growing old..."

"Still fairly young to me." Xia Lian Bei begged to disagree.

The older brother ignored him and continued speaking. "And the throne needs a successor."

Yin Hua Lei had a feeling that this topic would be brought out. But the words his Majesty uttered were completely different from what she imagined.

"Xiao Lei, do you know why I've been training you since young? I plan to give the crown back to the Yin family."

The princess felt a ringing in her ears. Her vision dimmed for a second.

"Wha- I'm sorry?" This was the only time she totally forgot manners.

The Emperor was amused to elicit such a reaction from this girl who was always poised and unruffled.

"Why are you so surprised? Growing up, you learned the true history of Da Xia and how it's founded by your female ancestor who gave away her authority as the first emperor to her younger brother. Remember your clan's creed?"

Faced with the question, she automatically recited.

"The dragon's thousand eyes and ears,
Da Xia's true pillar unseen.
This endless great summer
Eternally guarded by the Yin."

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