Chapter 15: I Don't Want to be Sick (3)

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"Now, does Young Thomas have any preexisting conditions or illnesses? Asthma, history of fever, or recurring sickness?"

"No, unless Thomas' inability to use magic counts," Edward responded unsurely, feeling rather inadequate to answer the doctor's questions. If Thomas was ever sick in the past several years they had known each other, he wouldn't know straight away. Clarisse would be the best person to ask for these types of inquiries, but the maid refused to be away from her sick master for even half an hour.

Edward, Xander, Mr. Hughes, and the doctor, Dr. Ainsley, were inside the carriage arranged by the eldest Rosetta. Mr. Al-Amin was seated with his personal driver, Mr. Chester, in front of the carriage. They were on their way back to Rosetta estate, taking a roundabout route through a few other districts in order to evade any unwanted attention, and to save time during the check-up, the doctor began to ask for information on the patient. 

"We're not sure why some people, regardless of their blood or relations, are not able to use magic and why some others can use it perfectly fine. The church claimed that the Goddess Ariadne would only bless a certain bloodline or some chosen few to become her people, but that's pretty much bullshit." Dr. Ainsley, an elder woman with both frown lines and laugh lines, and a hair full of brown, gray, and white streaks, wore a disgruntled expression when the church was mentioned. "Regardless, let's first consider other options before we address anything magic-based. You told me that those previous quacks diagnosed a summer flu and a cold?"

Both Edward and Xander took a glance at each other, one with an incredulous expression while the other gave a sheepish one. When his best friend had told him about the great doctor personally serving the Queen, he expected someone less... colorful. Then again, he shouldn't be surprised by her personality, considering Her Majesty's own crudeness...

"Yes. That was the diagnosis they had made."

"Amateurs," Dr. Ainsley scoffed as if what Edward admitted had offended her. "Did Young Thomas have trouble breathing?"

"... No."

"Did he have a runny nose? Coughing? Questionable, discolored fluids from any of his orifices?"


"How about diarrhea? Upset stomach? Nausea? Did he ever throw up or feel like throwing up all the time?"

"No, Thomas just has a really bad fever, and he says that his body always feels sore."

Dr. Ainsley hummed briefly before shaking her head. "It's not a respiratory infection or a gastrointestinal infection, that's for sure. But the fact he has a fever indicates that his body is fighting off something. Of course, his body would be sore if it's fighting off an infection. The problem we have to consider is where the infection is taking place. Does his skin have any discoloration?"

"No... I mean, he's pale, but flushed at the same time."

"What about his urine and stool?"

"....." Though Edward knew these were important questions, the corner of his lips twitched and he tried not to seem uncomfortable. "I do not know."

"Do you know if he has been urinating more often?"

"...I do not know."

Dr. Ainsley gave him a look as if he should know these things— and maybe he should have known the answer to all of these specific questions. It seemed that he wasn't attentive enough to Thomas' illness and he wondered what other signs he had missed for the past couple of weeks.

As Edward tried to recall anything that seemed abnormal with Thomas' health or behavior, Xander gave the doctor a subtle look, his crimson eyes darkening into a maroon, before asserting, "Let's hold off on the rest of the questions until we see Young Thomas. It's evident that he's ill, but we're not sure what signs you are looking for, doctor."

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