Parts 1 - 3

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There once was a morgue, in which a series of gruesomely violent murders took place. At the time of the investigation many thought that it was someone working at the morgue, but I found that theory rather lacking in evidence and I also know (knew) everyone who worked there, for I too worked there. My name is Doctor Spellding, and I shall tell you the truth of the events that took place at the Roosevelt Morgue in Baltimore, Maryland.


It began on a Thursday morning. I arrived at my usual time, which was about 6:15am, to find everything the way it was the day before when I felt at about 6:15pm, which was approximately forty-five minutes before sunset. I went into my office and went over with the mail that I found laid out on my desk.

Junk, junk, more junk. Just the usual. I thought as I took of my jacket.

I got up and proceeded to walk across my office to the coffee maker, which was already brewing. God, thank you for the automatic-brewing coffee makers. I was in the middle of pouring my cup of coffee when I heard a blood curdling scream, which sounded like it was coming down the hall. The surprise at hearing the scream caused me to spill my very hot coffee all over myself.

"Damn it!" I exclaimed, but the put down my coffee cup, or should I say half empty cup, and left my office in a hurry. Sobbing and crying was common in this morgue (i.e. when people come to claim family members, etc.), but this week was the first scream I've heard in my twenty years working there.

As I ran I heard another scream, as for a brief moment I though that someone was being attacked, but then I turned the corner in the hallway and what I saw told me that no one was being attacked, at least not at this time. For on the floor was a body. It had been beaten and ripped open,blood was everywhere and intestines were lying in a head by the body, which lay on its side. The neck had a gaping wound in the throat. It was Jimmy, the med student who worked here was a janitor for his summer job. The screaming came from Samantha, my autopsy assistant, who was in the corner, sobbing and holding her knees to her chest. Throughout the summer I had noticed a flirtatious relationship between Jimmy and Samantha, after all they were only three years apart and Jimmy was a med school student and Samantha was a med school grad.

I carefully stepped around Jimmy's body and made my way to Samantha. After a few minutes I got her to stand and I led her to my office. There I helped her calm down and called the police.

The police arrived shortly. Two marked squad cars, and a black unmarked cruiser. Four uniform officers and another entered the building. I met them by Jimmy's body, Samantha was still too grieved so she remained in my office. The officers briefly examined the body, then took my statement. After which they left to get Samantha's statement, leaving me and the detective alone with the body.

"What do you think doc?" Detective Geth asked as he casually inspected the blood splatter patterns on the wall beside the body. Geth was in forensics before he became a cop, so naturally I trusted his opinion on things of a forensic nature.

"I don't know." I replied, striving to be honest, "It's very brutish, that's for sure. The not strange thing is I don't see a injury that would equal a cause of death. To be honest, half of what I'm seeing already is confusing me and isn't making sense; and here I've only been on the investigation for maybe fifteen minutes.

Geth knelt down by Jimmy's throat, or lack thereof. "What about about this one?" He asked as he motioned to the gapping would in his neck. It appeared that a part of the throat had been removed, yet it didn't appear anywhere. The edges of the wound were jagged and vaguely reminded me of the way a steak looks after being bottom into.

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