2 | Run (II)

127 21 76

2412 Strilaxis 12, Jyda

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

2412 Strilaxis 12, Jyda

Asopus loomed over Reeca like a cloud of doom as she tore through the wide ranges of foggy peaks. She left Oaksham three days ago and arrived at Carleon by the second quarter of the first sphere. At least, according to Reeca's estimate. She didn't pick up a timeteller back in Oaksham.

Reeca spread her hands over her hood and wove a scarf which she pressed to her nose. The smell of blood wafting in the air was enough to send Reeca gagging. She exhaled through her nose and glanced at the people milling about the steep streets. She folded her wings close to her body and threw her cloak atop them. Between her blue wings and her golden locks that don't look like anywhere near a banshee, she was a sure sight for the bloodshot eyes.

It was quiet up to a deathly point as expected of Asopus, Carleon's most dangerous city. It didn't earn the name City of Crooks for nothing. This was where thieves, pirates, and fugitives build their homes, away from the eyes of the policing force. Away from everyone's eyes, it would seem.

The fog, the thick forest, and even the bumpy and unpolished roads were sure to drive a law-abiding citizen out of the city but for guilty fiends plotting something shady, Asopus was a perfect place to hide. Probably the reason why Reeca found herself here after a short while in her adventures.

Reeca tapped the tip of her boot into the moist soil and straightened her back. Time to walk. Banshees dressed in dark tunics lined with graspel furs glanced at her, no doubt wondering among themselves who this peculiarly dressed stranger was.

Asopus was a trading city. Shouldn't these people have gotten used to strangeness already?

Reeca resisted the urge to click her tongue. People here have sharp hearing and a simple noise or gesture could set off a slew of unpleasant events that always ended with someone dying. Shivers rode down Reeca's arms and she pulled her hood lower. As much as she liked watching tavern brawls, she didn't want to cause a scene. Not when she has something important to do.

Reeca craned her neck to trace where the road sloped to a mild peak. Good thing Asopus wasn't as treacherous as Lifver in terms of climbs. A neigh resounded from Reeca's right and she stepped aside in time for a merchant's caravan to pass her by. The paulsaris, with their striped, black and white coat, regarded her before pushing forward with their six legs trodding gently across the moist soil.

She blinked. Even after more than a year of holing out in Carleon, Reeca still hasn't gotten used to seeing a riding animal with six legs. The sight almost made the dagrine in Cardina, with their horns and short snouts, look normal.

Reeca pressed her scarf harder against her skin. Over the course of her walking, she had passed at least a dozen taverns made of bricks. Splintered wood stood for windows and the sound of glass tinkling rang from the inside. The air around this area always smelled like spoiled wine, sweat, and dried animal blood.

COF 2: The Soul Spellsحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن