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Chapter 13: Le Premier Baiser

Alex carefully observed the features on the face of Avery's best friend. Tiny beads of sweat dotted his forehead and his blond hair was messy from the many times he ran his hand through it. They had just driven Avery to her house and placed her on her bed so that when she woke up she'd be in a familiar environment. Alex let her eyes stray to the unconscious girl, her golden retriever puppy curled up on her chest. Milo lifted his head every few minutes to lick the face of his owner.

Alex couldn't help but admire how beautiful and peaceful Avery looked even though she was unconscious.

   "How did you say she ended up at your house again?" Carson asked with a sigh of frustration. But the brunette could see the worry etched in his eyes.

   "I invited her over so she could help me with my French. The session ran a little late and the boys came over. Sam said some dick-ish things and she had a panic attack- you know how he has no filter," the lie ran off her tongue smoothly.

Carson nodded, wiping his forehead with the back of his hand. "Oh yeah, I remember her saying that you asked her for her number about a month ago. It makes sense it was for tutoring. What was Sam saying?"

Alex glanced at the girl that laid on the bed. Guilt racked her chest for the words she was about to say, but she kept her facial features nonchalant to give the illusion that she didn't care as much as she actually did. "He mentioned how you're popular, I guess, and she's not. And he asked why you guys were friends."

Alex absolutely despised what she said and she loathed herself for saying it, but she knew Carson didn't know she and Avery were friends and she knew how Avery felt about telling him. At that point, it wasn't about keeping their friendship a secret anymore, it was about the fact that Avery had lied to him.

Carson's hands balled themselves into fists as his blood boiled. "Where is he?" he almost growled between gritted teeth.

  "Don't worry, Jason already has that covered. Sam was sent to the E.R. He may be quiet and violent but Long has a soft spot for those who appear vulnerable." Alex had never seen Carson angry before. He was known for being everyone's favourite person; kind, sweet, funny and charming. But she understood the rage that he must have been feeling at that point because she felt it too.

Carson let out one more sigh and Alex watched his facial features relax. He leaned over to Avery's sleeping body to ruffle the fur of the dog that lay on her chest. "I'm going to go talk to her parents. Please keep an eye on her, call us if she wakes up," Carson said, retracting his hand and placing it in his front pocket. Alex only nodded at him before he turned around and exited the room.

She glanced around the room, taking in the light greens and whites that coloured the room. This was exactly the type of room she could picture for Avery. There were some framed quotes in French that she didn't know the translation to and could only admire the font. The room looked like Avery, smelt like Avery, felt like Avery and it put a small smile on Alex's face.

Alex let her eyes scan the pictures that were hung around the room. Most were family pictures or pictures with Carson. Someone wouldn't have to be a genius to tell that he was a big part of Avery's life.

Alex slowly walked around the room until a particular picture caught her attention. It was a picture of Avery when she was about 3 years old. Her curly hair was a bit wavier back then and was brought into a small top-knot on her head. Avery's eyes sparkled with mischievousness as she leaned forward on her high chair towards the plate of cookies on the dinner table. The picture must have been taken before their move as Alex could spot a French flag at the corner of the picture. Avery's now bronze skin was much lighter, making her look almost Caucasian. Alex could only imagine the drama that could have ensued if it was her father that was black and her mother that was white.

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