~Chapter 2 (R 10/21/2019)~

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"I was looking for a soul that's real, then I ran into you. And that cherry blossom tree was a gateway to the sun. And friendship, once it's won, it's won, it's one." Cedarwood Road by U2


Beep! Beep! Beep! Beep! Beep! Beep! Beep!

You wake up to the "melodious" bleeping of your alarm clock. Six am--It's time to get ready for your job as a bagger at a Whole Foods you found.

As you shower, you can't help but hope that today isn't too much of a bust. You really need the money or else you'll be evicted from your apartment-- you only had enough money to fly to London, that's it. Your new manager was skeptical of your ability at the interview, so you'll just have to prove him wrong.

You get dressed, brush your teeth, and finish your morning ritual. Unfortunately, you don't feel like changing in the bathroom and carrying your uniform, so you're just going have to endure the weird looks people will give you for wearing it on the street. Oh well.

You leave the house in your work outfit, and as expected, many people stared at you walking past. Eventually, you make your way there. As you walk in, your new manager, Christopher Barnett, turns and glares at you.

"It's about time." You glance to a clock-- you're five minutes early...? "Get to work." He leaves and you take a spot at a register. A woman is standing there, waiting to be checked out.

As you ring up her few items, you decide to initiate a conversation as you'd been taught. Your stomach twists, but you need to ace this in every way, including socializing with costumers.

"Ah, hello, how are you doing today?"

She glances up, bored. "I'm fine, how're you?"

At this, your mind becomes completely and utterly blank. You forget what normal people would say in response to this, and you're compelled to just stammer out a "hi". A full thirty seconds later of your mini meltdown, you manage to squeak out a response.

"Oh, that's good, I'm good, everything's... good." Outstanding job, Y/N. You can already imagine yourself getting employee of the month.

The woman stares at you, unamused. Your face heating, you quickly finish bagging the groceries. She leaves and you breathe out a sigh of relief-- a breath you didn't know you had been holding. 

You look back to the register and see a long line of people, all looking the same as the woman. Bored and annoyed. You quickly start ringing up the next person, not daring to start another conversation with anyone.

The day passes on. It's the same routine, over and over. Ring up the groceries, avoid eye contact, bag the groceries, on to the next customer. You don't particularly enjoy this job, obviously, but at least it pays. You find your boss glaring at you a couple of times throughout the day. You don't understand why he hates you so much-- You think you're doing a good job.

As you consider this, you must have stopped paying attention because now a shattered milk jug is lying on the floor pitifully. What did you literally just say to yourself about not screwing up? Your boss walks up to you, glaring fiercely. You get a distinct feeling that he's been waiting for you to make a mistake like this one for as an excuse to fire you.

"Y/N. Get this poor customer another bottle of milk. Then clean up this mess you made."

"Definitely, right away, Mr. Barnett." You scurry away to the refrigerated dairy section. You find another milk exactly like the one you dropped and jog back to the check-out, ignoring any bemused stares from the shoppers.

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