Chapter 38

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Lily followed Finn off stage and grabbed his arm, using it to pull herself close to him.

"Finn?" she hissed as they were ushered quickly through the backstage area and into what appeared to be a small dressing room of some sort.

Finn didn't respond to her as someone reached out to shake his hand and thank him for his service. She was having a difficult time keeping up in her heels and she stumbled, but Finn reached out and caught her while barely turning around in the effort. It was like a metaphor for their relationship.

"Where's your drummer friend?" He asked as he shook another hand. It appeared as if he was the man of the hour.

"He went home. Why?" Lily asked. They were talking in soft voices, and it was hard for her to hear him.

"I just want to be aware of any and all threats." He nodded over at Mason and pulled Lily into a small restroom at the back of the dressing room. It was so little there was hardly enough room for the two of them.

"Paxton isn't a threat, he's a friend," Lily insisted, she wasn't shying away from being close to him.

"He looked and sounded like more than a friend." Finn looked down at her, and she had to tilt her head back to meet his eyes.

"Are you jealous, is that why you've had this sudden change of heart?" she asked, her eyes wide. She wasn't sure how she felt about that.

"It's not a change of heart Lily, my heart has been yours since you choked on that damn lemon drop," he growled.

Someone banged on the door, telling them it was time to move.

"We need to talk, but we have to get through this first. Meet me at my house after?" he asked as she reached behind her for the doorknob.

Lily nodded. "Did you mean it Finn, was that you telling the world that you love me?"

"Lord, help me, yes." He smiled tenderly at her while brushing a renegade curl out of her face.

"I love you too, Finn," she smiled up at him as there was another knock on the door.

"I will not kiss you for the first time in a bathroom, come on." He opened the door to an empty room, and he hustled her into the hall to catch up with the others.

"You two are going to make my year?" Mason laughed as they joined everyone else. "Lily you broke the news about Finn being a SEAL perfectly, and who doesn't love a little off-stage romance!" He threw his arms around their shoulders as they made their way down the corridor and to the back entrance of the theater where they were pushed into a waiting limo.

Everyone, including Cassie and Finn's girlfriend, was there.

"Lana," Finn greeted, kissing her cheek.

"Finn," she grinned and winked at Lily.

Lily had no idea how to take it. Was she saying 'good for you,' or 'hey we're in the same club now.'

"Everything about that was great," Lana said as she opened a planner she had on her lap. "It's going to change how we move forward, but in a good way," Lana spent the short drive to the hotel where the reception was being held reviewing everything for the next week.

Once they arrived, they all had their marching orders and the do's and don'ts of the tour and as the limo pulled up to the curb, cameras started to flash.

"We'll go first," Mason insisted, helping Cassie out of the limo, taking his time waving and greeting everyone.

"Jo and Tom, you're next," Lana said, leaving only the three of them in the car.

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