The 'W's of Fate of Terra

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This story has been developing across multiple years and multiple iterations. 

I originally wrote the story to satiate my own curiosities if I could write something, and with incredible support it appears I have hit the mark. 

This story is not without its faults and its flaws and I can point to one event that caused the story to become bogged, slowed, and warped. 

Back in 2016 I was left homeless, penniless and cut off from all support outside of my patreon. 
I had gone to China to teach English. Within days the year fell to pieces and I scrambled about to find a new footing for myself. I'll be uploading a link to a video explaining this in much greater detail on the 'What' of what happened. 

For the purposes of this here and now, I will say that writing was the only way I could get funds into an account I could access. I wrote thousands of words per day, churning out anything and everything to pad out the word count to fit the chapters needs so I could post on my Patreon and get the money I needed to survive. 
The story suffered as a result. 

I wrote up to chapter 24 by the time I got home and I had burned myself out. I was exhausted, my body was frail and my mind didn't wan tot think on it. it brought back memories and struggles that I didn't want to go over. I left the story behind to work on other things that had come to mind. 
My fan base has been incredibly supportive of me during this time and i've only now started venturing back to the tale. It still has the same issues though. It's slowed down, the content isn't great and the entire thing I was tempted to cut, crimp and redo. 
I'm going through the chapters slowly and editing them into something streamlined and something that fits the one of what I originally set out to create. 

As of June 2019 i've started putting words on Ch. 25 but that's a long way off getting published here. I am working through Ch. 17 with the support of my Alpha Readers on Patreon and i'll be putting it out once I have the time to sit and really focus on it. 

This is still a paying hobby, a good hobby I love to do, but i've got to split my time according to what pays the bills really. 
The autumn months look good for me, but I make no promises. I've made that mistake before. 

Thank you for reading and kind wishes

James C Laird II MA

* * * * *

An absolutely incredible thank you goes out to those on my Patreon who make this possible.

A special thanks to:

John Stanley ,Andrew Deal , Rallaster, firelance1010, Kiel Torfin, Andrew Hosea, Karl Snickars, Orion0132, Tristitan, Onesemo, William, Dirlagraun, James Beckman, JCofEarth, Marcus Davis

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Author Note:
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