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We are now currently in the Sahara, at a plane. I sit in front of Mera who is holding her stomach. "Are you okay?" I ask Mera. "I never been so high up
... or far from home," she answers me.

Arthur sits beside me and says, "At least, you have a home." "Not anymore," she says with a mad tone. "I can never go back. I betrayed everything when I saved you," she says to Arthur.

"We have to take you back," I say in a serious tone. "Atlantis is... may wonderful thing... but forgiving is not," Mera explains. "But that's your quality," he points out. "So is your mother," she adds.

"If I go back now, I will sacrificed to the trench. Even my own father won't take me back," she says sadly. I grab her hand and rub it in comfort. "Sometimes you have to do what is right," I tell her. Mera started to yawn. "Get some rest," I whisper to her as she slowly falls asleep.

"Hi," Arthur nervously says. "Hey," I say back at him. "So... your stuck in a arrange marriage," he awkwardly starts a conversation.

"It's not fun as it seems," I complain. "I never got the chance to tell the person I love that I love him," I sadly bow my head. "You already love someone?" Arthur asks and I nod as a yes.

"I will break the arrangement," he says with determination. I grab his hand and squeeze it, "Promise?" "Promise.."

Suddenly, Mera's tool sounds weirdly. We face Mera as she woke up. She grabs her gadget and says, "We are here!"

"Is there something nearby?" Arthur asks the pilot. "Nothing but dessert," the pilot answers. "You are wrong," Mera says as she makes way to the door.

She opens the door mid-air which makes the pilot scream, "Hey!" She jumps off which makes my heart drop. I can not do that.

"Arth, I'm scared," I tell Arthur. He grabs me by the waist and says, "Hang on tight!" He jumps off the plane while I just close my eyes until I feel the impact of the sand.

We roll down the sand. "You are so crazy," I tell Mera. She grabs her gadget and says, "Aha! This way!" I look at Arthur and frown. He shrugs as we follow Mera's craziness.

After a while. "Where getting close now?" Mera announces. "Close to what?" I ask and Arthur adds, "Dying of thrist?" I slap his arm. "Ouch!" he complains while I roll my eyes.

Mera grabs her gadget and Arthur goes to her. "No no no!" he slaps the gadget down. "Your stupid Atlantean GPS makes you jump out of a plane in the middle of the dessert. And now where stranded," he says before we falls into the sand.

"Arthur!" I shout in concern. "Nah! He will be fine," Mera says to me before she jumps at the hole. I gulp before following her.

"AAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!" I scream as I slide. Suddenly there is a gap where I will fall into the bottom. But Arthur grabs my hand and swing me to the nearby rock.

Me and Arthur laugh and say in unison, "That was awesome." Mera just glare at both of us.

"Oh look what I found!" Arthur jokes while Mera sarcastically says, "What you found?" "Stop it," I go in between of them.

Arthur kicks the rock to reveal a secret place. We jump in the place and Arthur says, "Check this place out." "This is badass!" Arthur shouts at the cave.

"This is the hall of armor. Where the legends says Atlan's trident was forged." "They aren't legends anymore," I say as I walk to a mold of the trident.

Mera falls down her knees and says, "Vulko was right!" "It's real," I breath out. We walk to the center where we see a circle thingy.

Mera swipes and blows at it. She places the discovery of Vulko and place it at the middle. We wait for something to happen.

"Nothing," I say and Arthur concludes, "Of course it's not working beacause its been sitting in dust since the Sahara was desert." I suddenly got and idea. I grab Arthur and collect all his perspiration. I place it at the gadget and it lights up.

"Nice work Crystal," Mera remarks. "Show off," Arthur smirk at me. I stick out my tongue at him.

The projection lights up and we all move back. A person with the golden armor shows up with a beautiful golden trident. "King Atlan," Mera whispers in the air.

"In this trident resides the power of Atlantis. In the wrong hands, it will bring destruction. But in the right, it will unite the above and below. If you seek my power, you should prove your worth. Hear me in the edge of the world, to the hidden sea. You can see on the bottle of the uncharted path. Only in the hand of the true king, can only see," King Atlan says before the hologram disappears.

We look at each other. Mera goes to the gadget and says, "We can't let Orm find this." She smashes the gadget before Arthur can even protest. "Ooooh," he just says. "What?" I ask him. "Should we written it down first?" he ask and I smirk, "I memorized it." "Didn't you?" I tease.

We jolt away from each other when the floor reveals a bottle. I look at Arthur and see him holding Mera's hand.

What is it I am feeling?

Is it jealousy?

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