6. tables and yes ma'am

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|6.| tables and yes ma'am

"I just don't understand what's so scary about the guy..." I muttered out as I watched a girl literally run away in fright when she'd gotten too close to Oliver's table. He sat alone under the large window that took up the entire wall of the cafeteria. He picked at his food, looking down and nowhere else, as normal since his brother had a different lunch period and trust me, it was kind of depressing to watch Oliver sit there alone and antisocial.

I heard Katalina scoff, bringing me back to the conversation that I'd started, "He's creepy... I mean did you see the way he looked at Jovie?"

I rolled my eyes at her statement, she was talking about the girl who nearly sprinted out of the cafeteria as if she were trying to outrun a racecar.

"Oh, come on Kat, he looked confused. I guarantee that the only reason she ran away faster than Flash on a treadmill is the rumormill circulating around him."

Phoenix gladly wasn't in school that day, something with his family that I didn't care to know about and by the looks of it neither did Sidney.

We needed girl time and since Kat had took him up on the whole 'girlfriend, boyfriend' thing, we hadn't had much of it.

Frankly, they could've been selling drugs on the side and we wouldn't have known.

Sidney chose this as a time to join in and stop her staring at Luca who sat at the table across the cafeteria, "You can't tell me that you're not at least a little freaked out by him." She said, popping a fry in her mouth since she'd gone through the liberty of buying herself McDonalds and leaving us to binge on the mushy sweet potato fries that we'd gotten in the caf.

Safe to say that I was losing unmissed weight since school started.

I shrugged at her, grabbing at her French fries and dodging the hand that came swatting at me. Shoving the handful of fries in my mouth, I attempted to form a cohesive sentence, not really caring if it was unladylike, "He's just a guy, Sid. I mean, I know you have an irrational fear of guys but-"

Sidney cut me off with a scoff, "I do not!" She denied, her voice going up an octave and her eyes glaring at me snd my condescending tone.

Kat smiled innocently, before she but in, Sidney scowling at her before my chimichanga had even opened her mouth, "You've been avoiding Luca all week..."

I'd filled her in on the details of the incidents and since then, Kat had been picking on the whole Luca thing for a while.

"I am not avoiding Luca-"

I tsked while shaking my head, disappointedly, drawing her completely focused and denial clad attention back to me, "Hate to break it to ya, babe, but you are..."

Her head sunk down on the table as I let out a laugh at the way her entire head and most of her body was covered in her hair; I took the opportunity to steal a bite of her burger before her head resurfaced from the dark cloud of never ending black tresses.

"Wait, why are we even talking about this anymore?" Sid asked looking at Kat, obviously trying to divert attention off of her unreal romance with Luca that heed deviated towards.

Kat grinned, "We were talking to Em about Oliver," she said, bouncing in her seat before she nodded her head in excitement, "I'd think that you guys would be cute together if he didn't scare the crap out of you... We could've done triple dates-"

"Wait, hold on..."

"Holding on."

"Who said that I'm scared?" I asked, moving my head back and forth between then as I resisted the urge to laugh at their ludicrous assumptions.

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