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Like a strong desire to disappear from the earth, the sounds, the voices, the room, the smell, everything felt so pulsating and unstable.

She wanted to be alone, in a place were no one would find her, a place without sounds, terror, nightmares nor disappointments.

It was a Tuesday morning and summer was bidding farewell and ushering in the new season.

It was a cool morning but for some reason, Olivia was feeling very hot.

She was in the midst of a heated argument which must be the reason why the room felt hot, or maybe it was knowing the fact that whatever decision that would be taken today would affect her life greatly.

She didn't move, she couldn't, she just sat there with her face down hoping no one throws any question or remark towards her.

Her mother is seen at the end of the conference table where she normally sits as the chairman of the Luthel Industry, looking unnaturally calm and composed even intimidating.

But that was Judy Luthel, always composed and determined to make everything go according to her will, even her daughter's future.

The other people in the room were, Mr and Mrs Winfrey of the Castlehill Group with their lawyer and Mr Vince, Judy's trusted lawyer.

The Winfrey's are trying to make Judy see reasons as to why they have to end the contract between the both companies, but Judy is determined to make sure that it doesn't happen.

Olivia can't believe that all these was happening now, when its barely less than a month since her twin sister died.

She had always seen her mother as unfeeling, but never would she have thought that it would reach even to this extent at her own daughter's expence.

Couldn't they hold this meeting in like 4 or 5months from now? Everything was so nauseating, and she wasn't in the right frame of mind to handle this matter yet, she still needed more time to grief her sister's death.

"You have to understand Mrs Luthel, the conditions that were behind us signing this contract is non-existent now. Having your daughter as our daughter-in-law was a great joy to us, but since she is gone, shouldn't we put an end to every other precedent?
We sympathize with you, but without Sophia this contract is void to us", Mr Winfrey stated.

"You came to me on bended knees few years ago begging me to help you save Castlehill, and today you want to terminate our agreement in a heartbeat without thinking about the consequences, isn't that a foolish thing to do?" Judy asked calmly.

If they had come to her asking for another way to sustain the deal between the both companies, that would have been better.

But her daughter had just died, and all they could think about was how to loose themselves from the contract that was signed back then, irrespective of the feelings of her late daughter then.

This made her mind go through a lot of possibilities concerning the death of Sophia.

Could it be that the Winfreys had planned the assassination of her daughter so they could call an end to the contract?

Few years ago, Castlehill Group incurred a very huge debt and investors were pulling out and taking with them what they could, it was at the brink of collasping with lots of debts to pay.

Matthew Winfrey had come to her on bended knees asking for her help, and that it doesn't matter what Judy wanted in return as long as she help him save Castlehill.

It took a serious toll on Luthel Industry after that risky save, so as a businesswoman she asked that 60% shares of Castlehill be transferred to her.

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