Chapter Two | Declaration Of War

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After sharing their story with Aizawa, the tired teacher decided to take responsibility for the whole fiasco, promising they wouldn't be forgiven so easily if it happened again. He simply gave the boys a ten-minute lecture and sent them off to lunch.

Both boys walked straight to the lunchroom without saying a word, not even sparing each other a glance. They were walking on opposite sides of the hallway and both of them looked unbelievably annoyed. The few students and faculty members that passed by them all silently judged the two, some more obvious than others.

Todoroki ignored the uneasy glances of his classmates as he strolled through the Cafeteria. He simply put his poker face on and grabbed a bowl of cold soba as if the library catastrophe hadn't happened.

Suddenly, the dual haired boy realized that it was Tuesday. Tuesday, as in the one day of the week that Lunch Rush prepared the most delicious Red Velvet cupcakes. Even the students who typically didn't like cupcakes loved them.

Todoroki headed over the counter where the cupcakes always were, relieved when he saw there was still one left. Right when he was about to grab the tasty treat, he was stopped when another hand went to grab it at the same time. The figure quickly retracted their arm, groaning in annoyance. "Not this shit again..."

Todoroki glanced to the side, seeing a head of spiky blond hair. Instantly recognizing who it was, he snatched the cupcake and began speed walking away. He felt a hand karate chop the back of his neck, causing him to drop his lunch tray. Ignoring the slight pain, he struggled to keep the cupcake from dropping to the floor, the delicious dessert began his main priority.

After the cupcake was safely in his hands and not falling towards the ground, he turned to glare at the culprit. Seeing Bakugo standing there was so unsurprising it was almost laughable. "Can I help you," the peppermint boy seethed, struggling to keep his signature uncaring expression.

Bakugo rolled his eyes, annoyed with having to deal with Todoroki twice in one day. "Hand over the cupcake, candy cane. I saw it first."

Todoroki squinted down at the boy, an unreadable expression on his face. "I won't be handing anything over. I grabbed it first,"

Bakugo's eyebrow twitched in annoyance as he clenched his jaw, struggling to keep the string of curse words from coming out of his mouth. "I would have grabbed it if you didn't get in my wa-ACHOO!" Bakugo suddenly sneezed, causing Todoroki to arch a brow.

"What's wrong with you? Are you getting sick or something?"

"What!? No way! I never get- ACHOO!" he sneezed again, sheepishly rubbing his nose with his sleeve. "This is all because of you and your stupid ice! Hand over the cupcake as an apology!" he lunged for the cupcake, crashing into a table when Todoroki skillfully dodged by moving to the side.

"Hm. I don't know why, but somehow I don't feel that bad for you," Todoroki shrugged. Bakugo growled. By now the whole Cafeteria was filled with whispers, watching the scene unfold. This went unnoticed by the two irritable boys, too immersed in their childish fight to care.

"You bast-"

"But, I guess I'll let you have it out of pity," a small smirk graced the arrogant teen's face. His hand with the cupcake extended towards the blond, who strangely resembled an angry pomeranian. Bakugo snatched the cupcake out of his hand and began stomping away.

Before spinning on his heel and launching the decorated treat at the unsuspecting Todoroki's face.

The Cafeteria was plunged into silence as everyone watched the cupcake slide down Todoroki's face at a comically slow speed. Many of the peppermint boy's classmates had to cover their mouths to conceal their laughter. A wide smirk spread across Bakugo's face as he watched his rival's eyebrow twitch in anger and annoyance.

"That's what you get for testing me, IcyHot bi-" the cocky blond was cut off when a handful of soba noodles him in the face. After a moment of shock, he angrily pulled the noddles off of his face, growling when he realized many of them were tangled in his hair. "You're gonna fucking pay for that!"

Todoroki quirked an eyebrow, frosting still smeared across his face. "Is that a declaration of war?" Bakugo's smirk widened, a competitive flare in his ruby eyes. A similar fiery determination flashed in Todoroki's eyes, knowing exactly what Bakugo's malicious grin meant.

Both boys sprinted towards the lunch bar and started throwing a variety of items at each other, narrowly missing the other students. Their classmates started screaming as they hid under tables and tried to dodge the flying food items.

It wasn't long before they ran out of food at the lunch bar and started grabbing food from people's trays. They were so engrossed in their war that they didn't notice that they had started a full-on food fight. Nobody was safe.

"You're going down you peppermint- ACHOO! -bastard!!!" Bakugo grabbed Kaminari's whole tray of food and aggressively threw it all at Todoroki. The dual quirked boy barely managed to dodge the attack, launching a bowl of soy sauce at his rival.

"What the hell is going on here!?" a stone-cold voice rang throughout the Cafeteria, effectively silencing the whole room. Vlad King stood there with an angry expression, arms crossed. Next to him was Aizawa, quirk activated and hair raised.

The two teachers scanned the Cafeteria, disappointed at the sight of their students covered in various food items. Even some upperclassmen had gotten involved. Aizawa glared at the scene before him. "Who is responsible for this?"

Nobody said anything and immediately looked to the floor. Aizawa sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose, closing his eyes and deactivating his quirk. "If nobody is going to tell me, I'll have to talk with Lunch Rush about terminating red velvet cupcakes on Tuesdays-"

"IT WAS BAKUGO AND TODOROKI!!!" a student immediately spoke up, everyone nodding in agreement. Aizawa's glare grew ten times darker as he looked at the two boys. The troublemakers looked at each other, wearing expressions full of anger and annoyance.

"Katsuki Bakugo and Shoto Todoroki," Aizawa looked between the two, murderous glare still present. "Let's talk."


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