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You started to leave work early and the voice never returned. You've had strange things happen around you. Plates that seemed to be falling were quickly stopped and put back into place. Cups that were about to be spilled never really spilled.

That strange man uhm, Eddie! Comes in every morning. He's always watching you like if he were wanting to tell you something but couldn't manage it. Striking conversations with you started to seem more of a cry for recognition.

He was a bit awkward at times but it seems that he might have a small crush on you. Cute and all but you like being single.

Do you? Wait!? Since when?!


Your appetite seemed to have also changed. At times in the morning you would wake up a bit sore. Who knows what's going on.

Walking across the street a truck honked at you. Gasping you turned to look at bright lights.

Suddenly you were pulled away onto the sidewalk as the truck drove away in full speed. Breathing heavily you got up pating yourself down.

"I'm fine!" You say in a bit of a rush. Weird but you'll just deal with it. Once home you relaxed on the sofa slowly drifting away to sleep. Shivering a bit you curled up with a pillow in your arms.

A pillow? Where?

Sitting up your eyes were wide finding yourself in bed!

"When did I?"

Looking at the night stand you see a rolex watch and a wallet.

Grabbing the wallet you looked into it seeing an id. You pinched the thick amount of cash that was in there. 4 hundreds some 20s and Ones.

"What the?" You were speechless. Getting out of bed you looked into your bathroom, living room, kitchen. No one! Where did these things come from?

"Do you like it? You won't have to go back to work again." A voice in your head says. Freaking out you grabbed the pan on the stove looking around your kitchen.

"Where are you? Who are you?"

"I, am inside you. I was once a part of someone else. My name is Venom." Looking around the kitchen holding the handle of the pan you shake your head.

"Uhm. Isn't Venom supposed to be." Clears throat. "In uhm, San Francisco?" A slime ball appeared on your shoulder creating a face.

Screaming you slammed your pan against its face. "OW!" The thing exclaimed as you were pinned up against the wall. "THAT HURT!" The head said upset. "What are you?!" You say freaking out.

"I already told you! I am a Venom.

That man who visits you every morning is Eddie Brock, Venoms current host. I am apart of Venom. A small part of him that left to be with you. Make you my own little host.

I am yours, and you are mine. I have been with you for some time.

I hear all your thoughts feel everything you feel.

Taste everything you taste. Hear everything you hear. At times I am what you think. I do what you need to do."

The symbiote takes its own personal form. Masculine creature that resemblance Venom but not thoroughly. "I like you." It says sliding it's tongue up against your neck.

"We can do anything we want. I am yours and you are mine. I won't return back to Eddie. I've taken my own form and I have become part of you now. We can do much more together. I've been hiding from you, running from him. Leading you away from danger. Leading you away, from him.

With this money you won't have to go back to work. You won't have to see him every morning.

I don't want to return. I want to remain as part of you, my little host. I enjoy being yours and I will not leave so easily. Nothing can separate me from you, I will manage my way on always being yours."

The symbiote melted back inside you as you were free from the wall.

"When they kept you in a Max secured prison, Eddie visited you. To interview you. I was made that day. I became part of you that day. Is it too complicated to understand?"

Breathing heavily you knew what was happening so you should be calm enough right? No! You are more unsure of things than ever! And now you know why! It's because it's this thing inside you.

Going through the cabinets you take out a box of alka seltzer plus for cold and flue. "What are you doing?" He asks appearing on your shoulder as you shoved two pills into your mouth and drank water.

"You are not sick! This is all real! You won't get rid of me so easily!"

Looking at the head talking to you with it's big sharp bright white teeth. "Mm. Yeah! You're right!" Rushing to the bathroom you open the cabinet and get the small container of Vicks.

Sliding off your shirt you started to rub the medicine all over your body. "You can't sweat me off! Stop treating me like a virus!!"

Sliding some of the lubrication medicine on your fingers you started to rub it on his head. The head retreated back inside you. "ENOUGH!" You were shoved against the wall till you fell on your ass.


Looking around the bathroom you were thinking of any other type of medication. "STOP IT!" The symbiote took form in front of you. Still attached to you but it had its own physically form.

The creature lifted you up and carried you to bed. Slamming you back down it got on top growling. "ARE YOU NOT PAYING ATTENTION!" It growled out as you laid there with the look of shock.

"If you treat me like some parasite I am going to eat your liver. So you better just accept that this is happening now. That I am now part of you and you mine.

Are, we, understood."

You nodded your head still having that face of speechless shock.

"Good girl." The creature smiled widely before fading back inside you. Laying in bed you stared up at the ceiling.

You called in work telling them you were sick and couldn't show up. So all you did was watch movies till the medicine made you pass out on your sofa.

Venom came out from your shoulder as he watched you sleep peacefully. It's just as if he were smiling. Turning to face the tv he grew a hand to shut it off with the remote. Unfolding the blanket that was on the corner he covered you from head to toe.

"I love you, y/n." He says before hiding back inside you.

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