Chapter 37: Taming the Lion

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It had been nearly a week and Larro was feeling pretty darn good.

"Ready to head to work?" He yelled, even though he knew that Pascal was probably still sleeping. Tayn had been up half of the night sick, but hadn't wanted to wake up his lover.

Probably just couldn't shake him hard enough to get him up. Either way, Larro had heard him in the bathroom around three and had been staying up with him for the past few hours to be sure that he was feeling better. Shifters tended to show pregnancy a lot faster than humans since their animal halves sometimes lent them an uncomfortably short gestation period. It seemed like his hyena had taken over, because he was already feeling terrible after only a week, and the gestation for Hyena's was only around three months.

Larro was pretty surprised how well Tayn took the whole thing, though, especially when Ariel finally decided to accept his offer for the job. That allowed her to be around quite often to visit with Arron and even stay some nights. When the two had first met he was pretty shy, but Larro supposed because of the pup or pups in his belly, maybe he connected more with her than he normally would with males. Either way, they were already on comfortable grounds and spoke once in awhile.

Ariel stumbled out of the guest room hopping on one foot as she slid on a pair of heels. Those definitely wouldn't do. Larro caught her right as she began to fall, then set her back on her feet with a quiet cackle he couldn't silence fast enough.

"I'd suggest something a little more, useful. This job doesn't require any kind of strict dress code and you don't seem like you're used to those spiky things on your feet." He said.

She glared up at him but he just smirked and raised a brow, challenging her to argue the obvious truth. Instead, she just rolled her eyes and turned to stomp back to the room she sometimes shared with her son.

A minute later she was back in a pair of black tennis shoes. Much better. Without waiting he snatched her hand and pulled her out the door.

"See ya later Tayn and Arron. Rylan will be here to pick you up for school soon so be ready!" He yelled to them.

It was a bit of a drive for the lion, but he'd been making it every single day to pick up his boyfriend. Yes, he was slowly becoming okay with that. Of course, they still had to keep the door open and what not, but he could tell that Arron's heat was getting stronger. He still didn't want to think about that right then, though.

The second they got to work he had her following him upstairs to the top floor. The building was a good sixteen stories tall and boy did they use every single floor of it. The place was bustling even so early in the morning but he had no issue navigating to his office between all the rushing people and shouts of greeting.

He nodded to several people before tugging Ariel into his office and closing the door quickly. When he turned around he could already tell that she was a bit winded from the run through the crazy floor.

"Going to be able to handle that?" He joked with a grin.

She blinked, then quickly straightened up and nodded.

"Of course, boss." She replied curtly.

He gave her a smile before walking toward the stack of papers piled on his desk and turning with them in his arms.

"It's just Larro. Though, I guess boss is okay, too. It's just weird. Anyways, I need these sorted into the cabinets behind you. Just alphabetical. I have a meeting to run to right now but if you finish before I'm back please check the calls on my phone and write down names, numbers, and reasons for the call so I can get back to them quickly."

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