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After an emotional talk with Remus about her parents, Aurora returned back to the flat.

Tiredly, she took her shoes off besides the door and placed them onto the shoe rack, before stripping off her coat and hanging it up besides the entrance. She was so tired, she didn't even realise how quiet the flat was; a very strange occurrence seeing as she lived with the Weasley twins.

Stifling a yawn, the black haired witch dragged her legs to the living room. Knowing she was going straight to her and Fred's bedroom, she didn't bother turning on the living room light and instead kept her hands out in front of her just in case she walked into something.

Feeling quite proud of the fact she didn't walk into any of the couches or cupboards, Aurora almost reached the bedroom door when suddenly she tripped over something, well, more like  someone, and let out a loud yell. She groaned as she hit the living room floor - thanking herself internally she made the twins put in a carpet - she tumbled on the ground as she heard the person she tripped over also groaning before they used their wand to illuminate the small space near them.

"What the hell are you doing on the floor?" Aurora questioned, looking up at her boyfriend, she noticed that he wasn't wearing his usual clothes, instead it looked almost as if he was wearing a tuxedo, "What are you wearing?"

"What the hell are you doing tripping over me?" He fired back with a amused look on his face, ignoring her other question.

Rolling her eyes, the black haired woman pushed herself back up, groaning slightly at the pain in her knee.

"This wasn't how it was suppose to go," She heard Fred mutter to himself under his breath, with a confused expression on her face she looked at him, prompting him to explain to her what didn't go how it was suppose to.

With a nervous breath, Fred used his wand to turn the living room lights on causing Aurora to gasp when she noticed the room. It was covered in red rose petals. Her chocolate coloured eyes wandered around the room, taking in the cleanliness mixed with the slight mess of the petals. Confused, she turned back around to face Fred but gasped in pure shock when she noticed he wasn't sitting up anymore and instead was kneeling down on one knee right in front of her.

She could feel her breath getting caught in her throat as tears unintentionally pooled in her eyes as she watched Fred sheepishly smiling up at her.

His heart was hammering away in his chest. His palms sweaty as he looked up at the love of his life. Without a second thought, he placed his hand into his tuxedo pocket and pulled out a small, black velvet box.

"Aurora..." He began nervously, a large grin on his face, "I don't know where to start, to be honest," Fred chuckled, causing Aurora to chuckle quietly as well, "I love you. I freaking love you so much. I remember the first day I met you, when Remus brought you round to the Burrow when we were both four. You were so shy at first but then you actually helped us play a prank on Bill and that was when I knew we would be inseparable. I knew it was love when we were in our third year at Hogwarts, I just didn't want to ruin our friendship because I never thought that someone as perfect and amazing as you could love someone as uncontrollable as me." 

Aurora sniffled.

"I feel like I'm kind of rambling on, but I need you to know how much I love you, which, by the way, is a lot," Fred smiled, his own eyes pooling with tears, they were filled with a spark. However, it was not a mischievous spark like usual, it was much more intense than that, "What I'm trying to say is. Well, ask if we're being technical. Aurora Phoenix Black, will you do the honours of marrying me?"

In a blink of an eye, Aurora threw her arms around Fred's neck, happy tears streamed down her face as she nodded into his neck, "Yes. Yes, of course!" She felt him wrap his strong arms around her back, holding her close as they both cried with happiness.

When they pulled away, Fred opened the velvet box, showing the gorgeous diamond ring that was resting right in the middle of it. Quietly, he took the ring out and gently slipped it onto Aurora's finger.

Cheers were heard behind the pair.

"Finally!" A loud voice yelled from behind them before the newly engaged couple were engulfed in a tight hug, "I don't know how long more I would've been able to keep it a secret for," George yelled in their ears as he squeezed them both.

"Alright, alright, you can let go now," Fred told his twin, "You don't need to kill us before the wedding."

With a overly dramatic sigh, George let go of the couple before more footsteps practically ran over to them. Fred stood up, bringing Aurora up with him as they got pulled into more hugs by the rest of their families.

Aurora was surprised at the fact that both Tonks and Remus were there as well, "So, this is why you were 'catching up' with Fred?" 

Remus shrugged and smiled innocently, "Maybe," He chuckled nervously as both Tonks and Aurora rolled their eyes at him, "Never mind that now. Congratulations, love," He said, brining his Goddaughter into a hug and placing a small kiss on the top of her head.

AN- Yeah so that happened. I knew I wanted them to get engaged before I got onto the actual Deathly Hallows storyline so I'm finally done dragging it out and we can begin the beginning of the end 

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