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"The love of a family is life's greatest blessing."

Ansh and Anya sat there in the beach house for hours, talking, laughing and crying for things that were never under their control.

"Will you ever forgive them" the question escaped his lips out of nowhere startling her for a moment as she pondered over the question for a moment before answering

"forgiving and forgetting can't ever be simple or same, Ansh. I can't forget what I had to go through, I can't just forget that they were never there for me when I needed them. They don't know me like Ishana ma knows you. She can tell your mood by just once glance, she knows how to make you feel better but no one did that for me Ansh. You know sometimes you just pretend to be angry knowing she will come to mollify you but I could never let out my emotions, knowing no one will ever come for me. Well, no one expect dad whenever he was home he would be with me but I was never given the liberty to talk with my own dad without someone gatecrashing our time, they'll snatch him away from me or Pinky dadi will sit overhead glaring daggers at me making sure I don't tell him anything and I didn't need her glares to keep quiet. I wouldn't have told him anyway, I never wanted to burden him more than he already was and all I remember throughout is loneliness and Pinky Singh Oberoi always there to stop me, to scold me and tell me words full of scorn and to keep me away from the rest of the family and you know it always had been like that Pinky Oberoi making life hell, making me write an essay on how I'm my family's culprit on my b'days and that day it was the anger in dad's eyes that undid me, the whole family always thought of me as a criminal only he didn't and that day he thought the same about me. I couldn't bear it Ansh, nor can I forget all that like it never happened, I can't be all happy and myself with them as a part of me will always remember the past and see the past in present. I'll always see things that could've happened, I would be surrounded with bitterness, hate and What if's. I'll hurt and hurt my loved ones and I just can't allow that I don't think I will ever able to share the close bond you share with Ishana ma and Rey pops with Mrs Oberoi or dad " Anya's tone was full of bitterness and hurt and Ansh hated himself for even asking that stupid question. God, he can't forgive his parents for what they did with Anya then how could she when she was the one facing their hurt, anger and negligence.

"Umm... I think we should go back home before the baby wakes up, I don't know how to deal with a crying child or girl for that matter" Ansh stated sheepishly messing his perfect hairs as he looked at her

"me too and we need baby stuffs" Anya spoke looking at the baby in her arms, sleeping peacefully unaware of her surroundings or how drastically her life has changed. She won't ever know the mother that birthed her but in her place she will get a mess of mother with too many things to deal with, a mother who can be as cold as liquid hydrogen and a mother who do not know the first thing about child care and had a mother who just can't ever be considered mother goals for her anyway, a mother who got maternal love from strangers but looking at the sleeping baby, Anya decided they both will be just fine, she will learn and adapt as always and she have a big family to support her and the baby through every step. So, they'll be just fine after all she isn't her mom and she'll prove she can be better than her own mother.

Ansh got up first and then helped her up, making sure the child was still asleep they walked back to the car.

"We need a baby seat, safety is important and I can't have this little angel traveling in my car unsafe" Ansh told her with a thoughtful expression as they planned to install a baby seat in their car and she nodded at her brother, knowing how seriously he was taking his new role. 

The drive back home was uneventful expect the time Baby Sisira woke up wailing and both of them panicked not knowing how to soothe her down but they didn't need to do much as she calmed down after some gentle rocking and looked around her with big eyes and also tried to grasp her fingers and put them in her mouth, coating her fingers with saliva much to Ansh's amusement and her displeasure but she couldn't say anything watching the content child. 

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