~A/N (R 10/17/2019)~

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First of all, there are many trigger warnings in this book. You shouldn't read this at all if you can't handle the trigger warnings of torture, suicide, and death in general. Some other triggers in this book are panic attacks, sexual assault, and amnesia.

Feel more than welcome to comment. I enjoy reading what you have to say, and I'll pretty much always respond, although Wattpad notifications aren't that great. If I don't reply within a few days and you would like a response, just tag me, and I'll see it and reply.

As far as gender goes, Y/N is female, so I'm sorry if you'd prefer her to be male. Crowley is mostly depicted as a male, so I'm sorry if you prefer female Crowley.

One last thing--I'm in the middle of a revising process right now, so if something doesn't make sense from chapter to chapter, don't worry, it'll be fixed.

I'm pretty sure that's all I need to tell you. Thanks for reading, and I hope you enjoy!


Have you ever seen the yin yang? The two swirls intertwining, yet never blending? Somehow, it's so tranquilizing, so beautiful. Polar opposites working together to create harmony and beauty. There is no grey line, there is no mixture, there just is. Yin cannot be without yang, and yang cannot be without yin. Whether a universe... or a person.

Enter Y/N L/N. She's troubled by a haunted past, old ghosts dragging her back. Striving to outrun memories, she moves to London with a scholarship to Queen Mary University. Rapidly running out of luck, she stumbles upon an old bookshop, the only peaceful place in the entire city. You already know who owns it... Don't you?

Sacrifice and loss, disappointment and regret. Growth and rebirth, kindness and love. It all balances out. Something lost, something gained. Will Y/N and her two slightly suspicious new friends make it out unscathed? Doubtful. But what's a story without pain?

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