Chapter 1

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A/N: I'm currently rewriting this book because I really don't like how it turned out in terms of characters, their development, plot holes, etc. Only the first couple rewritten versions of the chapters are up, but I'm not posting the rest until I've completely finished. For now, the original chapters of the book are up.

This book is not a representation of me writing now. I have grown so much as an author over the past couple years and if you want to see what my writing is like now that I have a lot more experience, check out my other book, From Her Chaos.



A knock sounded throughout my bedroom, causing me to jump in fright from the sudden sound. Ice quickly emerged from my fingertips and onto the book that was open in my hands. A gasp escaped my lips and I quickly threw the book on the ground next to the bed to avoid freezing it anymore. The book landed on the carpet. I would have thought that the soft material would've caused the sound that the book made on impact to be quiet, but I was wrong. The book landed on the ground with a loud thud.

My sister, Riley, opened my bedroom door a little bit, only enough for a portion of her body to fit through the crack. She opened her mouth to say something, but she cut herself off as her gaze went straight to the half frozen book that was now lying on the ground.

An exasperated sigh escaped past her lips before she spoke. "Again, Really?" She asked. It was a rhetorical question as she already knew the words that were about to come out of my mouth.

"Sorry, but I can't help it," I shrugged. "You shouldn't have startled me like that." This was always my reply when a similar situation happened. I get startled by something, my powers go crazy, and the same response comes out of my mouth.

Riley rolled her eyes. "Whatever," she said, annoyance lacing her voice. "I came up here to tell you that dinner is ready. The pack and I are waiting for you to make your appearance." I gave her a confused look before realization crossed my face. "Anytime soon, please," she added.

"Oh my goodness!" I gasped, stumbling out of my bed. "I completely forgot that we were having dinner altogether today." I continued my stumbling all the way to my closet, opening it and rummaging through it. "I'll be down in five," I informed Riley. There was no doubt in my mind that she heard me because shortly after I told her what time I would be downstairs, I heard the satisfying click of my door closing.

Not really caring about my appearance, I settled for some black leggings and a gray, oversized tee-shirt. I quickly changed into my new set of clothes before going back into my closet and taking out some black, slip-on shoes. I then went back over to my dresser, where a mirror was positioned above it and grabbed my brush from the side. I ran the brush through my tangled hair a couple of times before throwing it up into a messy bun.

Just as I finished getting myself ready to face my pack, a strong, male voice rang throughout the pack house. "Rayna!" My father called. "We are waiting for you!" My father was the alpha of my pack; the Moonlight pack.

"I'm coming, Dad!" I called back, equally as loud as he had. I quickly rushed to my door and opened it, exiting the room and closing the door behind me.

I made my way down the stairs and into the huge dining room. At the center, was an extensive mahogany table. It easily sat over fifty people. Dangling over the table, was a massive, crystal chandelier.

Not much of the pack comes to these dinners that we have. Only about forty-five people or so show up out of the hundreds of pack members that reside in our pack. It was justified though, as the pack members had their own lives to live.

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