Chapter 15

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Rayna's POV

I could tell Orion was battling with his inner thoughts. He looked like he was going to pass out. Beads of sweat dripped down his face and he was a ghostly pale. Ace and Charles both had a concerned expression on their faces. I knew there was something they were hiding from me and I was determined to figure it out.

"Is everything okay?" I asked.

Orion snapped out of his thoughts and composed himself. Or at least he tried.

"I'm fine. I don't need you to act like my mother," He said in a rude tone.

"Noted," I gritted out. "Don't come running to me when you have a problem."

"Why would I run to my problem?" He said, smirking. I could feel my blood boil at his comment. I finally reached my breaking point. I abruptly stood up from the chair and slammed my hands against the desk. A flame escapes from my hands, charing the wood of the desk. It went out as quick as it came though. Everyone was taken aback at my abrupt reaction.

"What have I ever done to you? Tell me!" I yelled, not caring who heard. Orion opened his mouth to say something but I cut him off before he could even speak.

"No! It's my turn. I've listened to you tell me countless times how much of a worthless piece of garbage I am!" I yelled at him while pointing at myself. He stood up and met face to face with me. Our foreheads and noses were touching. His heavy breath fanned my face. I kept in a gasp from the sparks that went through my body.

"I will not have some mutt disrespect me. When are you going to get it through your thick skull!" He bellowed. "I. Do. Not. Want. You." He pressed his finger into my chest with every word before sitting back down. Isla whimpered inside of me. I growled at him which made him growl back. I've heard those words so much that they don't have much of an effect on me anymore. However, they still make my blood boil. So much that I build up the courage to go around the desk and slap Orion across the face. Both Ace and Charles gasped at my action.

Orion's head turned to the side with impact. "You do not call me a mutt if you know what's good for you. I'm sick of you demanding respect from me when you clearly don't have any for me," I hissed, my jaw clenched. He slowly turned his head back to face me. It honestly scared me and I started to regret my decision of slapping him. He stared into my eyes with hatred and a sort of desire to kill. But I knew he wouldn't kill me.... I think.

Orion stood up and grabbed my wrist. "Orion don't," Charles started.

"She needs to be put in her place," Orion said.

"Orion don't do anything you'll regret later," Ace laughed nervously. He went over to pull Orion's hand away from mine but Orion used his other hand to peel Ace's away.

"Don't touch me, Ace. I can handle this. Don't try to interfere. That's an order," He growled. Ace mouthed an 'I'm sorry' to me while Charles just gave me a sympathetic look.

"What are you doing?" I asked Orion as he dragged me out of the office and he replied with, "Something I should have done from the first time you decided to disrespect me." My eyes widened, knowing he was going to take me down to the dungeons. I started pulling on my wrist but he had an iron grip.

"Please don't. I'm sorry," I begged, tears pricking at my eyes. I continued to pull on my wrists but it was no use.

"Not so cocky now, aye," he spat. "I don't care." He pulled me to him and I bumped into his hard chest. He leaned down next to my face and whispered harshly in my ear, "Don't make a scene. At least do something right for once." I decide to go along with it because I didn't want the pack to get the wrong impression. I didn't want them to turn on me.

Orion lossened his grip a little and walked us downstairs to where all the people were. We got some curious glances but nothing more. We exited the pack house and he led me to a path that I couldn't see where it led to. We started walking -or more like Orion was dragging me and he was walking- along the path for about thirty minutes until we reached a building that was secluded from everything else.

He pulled me along and went up to the door where there was a number pad next to it. He punched in a pin rather quickly, glancing at me to make sure I couldn't figure it out. After, the doors opened automatically. Orion dragged me in and I was engulfed with the smell of blood, metal and- I gasped.

Wolfsbane. Isla spoke and then whimpered again.

There were cells all around us. Some were already occupied by other wolves. They smelled really bad so I assumed they were rogues. We continued walking until we reached a bigger cell at the back of the building.

Orion nodded to the guard that was standing next to it. The guard nodded in response and opened the cell. Orion pushed me in and got in himself. There was no light in the cell except for a measly little lightbulb hanging from the ceiling that barely gave off enough light to see two feet from it.

The floors were stained with blood as well as the walls. On the opposite wall I saw something attached to it.

As Orion pushed me closer to it, my eyes widened, realizing they were silver chains. I tried to turn around and go the other way but Orion grabbed my shoulders and turned me back around. He pushed me again until I hit the wall. I collapsed onto the floor and curled up into a ball in the corner. He put on a pair of gloves that were next to the chains before picking them up. He crept closer to me with the chains in hand.

"Please." I shook my head as he came closer. He didn't say anything and unlocked the collar. I wrap my arms around my neck but he somehow manages to peel them away with his unoccupied hand. He held my wrists in one hand and placed the collar around my neck and locked it.

I let out a heart wrenching scream with contact.


Told you guys that I would reveal Orion's ugly side.

I have an away game tomorrow!! We love marching band!! Also next week will be a busy week since our homecoming week is next week so I'm not sure when I can update. I'll try whenever I can.

Not sure if its next chapter or the chapter after that but one of those will be based off of an event in U.S. history. It's not boring, I promise.

Anyways I'll see y'all in the next chapter.

Different (Currently Rewriting)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora