Chapter 18

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So I've decided to have the last chapter be chapter 25 so there will only be 8 more chapters till completion. I'm excited to see how I end up finishing the story. Hopefully I can pull together enough time to make a sequel and hope you enjoy.


After my game I was in the best mood, my team won and I heard Dawson's team won and I couldn't wait till Monday to see her. Me and Lexi where still pretty much ignoring each other so she went home with some guy she's seeing and I got the car. Dani wanted to know how I'd been getting home if me and Lexi weren't talking anymore but I just said I walked and she seemed to believed it. While I was driving and singing along to one of my new favorite songs called devotion it's by this girl nobody really knows but I'm obsessed. Smiling as I drove I looked around waiting for the light to change and see the library across the street. I was about to continue driving when the light went green but a certain car caught my eye and recognized it as Dawson's car. Instead of staying on the road to my house I decide to see what she was doing at the library I park right next to her and make my way inside. Considering I don't really think Dawson visits the library often she's probably at the same place we sat before so I make my way to the furthest place from the entrance and see Dawson sitting in the corner of the science isle just staring into space. She was wearing the Vella uniform and as much as Im was suppose to hate them and there team they had great uniforms and Dawson really made it work. I could feel a smile grow on my face as I watched her. I know I'm totally screwed, I was falling for this girl and she didn't even know.

After a heated conversation I grab her hand to try and calm us down but if anything it just made my heart start beating even faster. She had small hands that fit in mine perfectly. I was never comfortable holding Austin's hand but with Dawson it was different. Both of us where dead quiet and so was the library so we just sat in silence staring at each other when the moment before we where arguing. I decided to break the silence.
"Dawson you don't need to be sorry, look I'm sorry for pushing so hard I just want you to know that I'm here and you can talk to me about anything" her eyes started wandering around the library and eventually landed on our intertwined hands.
"What you don't understand is that I do want to talk and open up to you and stop being so bitchy it's just after everything with my mom I built walls and I don't know how long it's gonna take to break them down" I felt her try to retreat and take her hand back but I wouldn't let her instead I pulled her even closer.
"I'm not leaving any time soon" I searched her face to see how she felt about what was happening but all she did was shut her eyes and sigh. I was scared of being with her i didn't want to do something I would regret or something to get myself rejected.
"Dawson ever since the day we met I haven't been able to stop thinking about you and it scares the shit outta me cause I've never felt this way for a girl before."  I didn't know what she was gonna make of this but I couldn't keep it in anymore.
"Why are you saying this karter." I stayed quiet I had about a million thoughts going through my mind like, what if Dawson just needs a good friend right now do you really wanna ruin that. I had other thoughts too like, just look at the way she looks at you she likes you just as much SAY SOMETHING ! I just don't know which thought to listen too but I guess I was taking to long to speak because Dawson spoke again.
"Karter please say it" she kept her eyes closed head down but her hand was still in mine. I knew exactly what she meant and that meant that I was right. Saying out loud made no sense to me so instead I brought my free hand to her cheek tilted her head up slowly. At first I hesitated but I knew I was doing the right thing. Our hands separated and with both my hands caressing her cheeks I leaned in and let my lips touch hers slowly I didn't want to rush this. I pulled back a little only to be pulled back in with more force by Dawson. She wanted this just as much as I did. This kiss was different than the others because after this kiss we can't  go back to pretending, after this kiss we have to own up to what we've both been burying. We took our time neither of us pushing to go further I just wanted this moment to last forever. Her hands found mine again and that's when it hit me, I'm really kissing Dawson Andrews right now and neither of us are drunk there's no excuse we are simply doing it because we truly feel something for one another and we've held back enough we can't hold back anymore. Just when I think everything's perfect we both here a phone ringing and separate. Both of us catching our breath a little and neither one of saying a word. I think that kiss said everything i needed to say. The phone ringing was coming from Dawson's bag and she goes to check who it is and when she sees the caller she immediately declines.
"Who was it" I try to sound interested but truly I just wanted her  lips back on mine.
"It was Cole" I can here the guilt she has in her voice.
"What are you gonna tell him" I didn't know what else to ask plus I really did want to know what she plans on doing about that whole situation.
"I'm not sure yet but I'm going to figure it out I promise" I didn't want her to feel like I was pressuring her to break up with the boys she's been with for three years.
"What happens now with us" the last time we kissed Dawson practically screamed at me it was a mistake and honestly I think I'd be devastated if that happened again.
"I need to speak with Cole and tell him how I feel it's not fair to him but I just don't know what to say"
Instead of asking any other stressful questions I just pulled her into a hug and kissed the top of her head.
"Ok, now that that's all figured out what's got you so upset in the first place that I found you in a library of all places" she laughed and just the sight made me get butterflies.
"Hey I could come to the library to study" she tries to defend herself but we both know she hates studying.
"Sureeeeee" I joked.
"Hey rude! And totally not true" We both burst out laughing.
"Bust seriously I was worried what happened?" I try to turn the conversation on the more serious side and I think I've made a mistake and am about to get yelled at by Dawson but then she begins to speak.


Dawson told me about everything that's been getting her down from missing her mom to finding her addict brother having sex with her best friend. When she finished I tried to give her advice and as much as she didn't want to hear it she let me talk and took what I said serious. We talked for hours about the problems we had in our lives neither of us struggling to keep the conversation going, we could just talk freely.
"I have to go Dawson I'm sorry" I said as I check the time realizing I'm about to break my curfew.
"It's ok, I'll walk out with you" we both head towards our cars and when we got there it was silent neither of us wanted to leave the other first.
"Listen Dawson we have Saturday and Sunday until we see each other we both need to take this time and situate ourselves so when Monday comes we can really talk about us." She nodded and smiled at me. I leaned against my car just staring at her. She walked towards me and pressed against me and I could feel my heart beat speed up. I don't think my body will ever get use to having her close to me.
"W-we should probably get going" of course I stuttered like a nervous freak. We where just kissing inside the library I have no clue why sometimes I have the courage to be all brave but most of the times I'm a shy freak. Dawson seemed to like how shy I was getting because she giggled in my ear.
"What no goodbye kiss" I could have just died right then and there and gone to heaven. She gripped my waist and kissed me gently but eventually we both put more force into it. When  ran out of air  and had to separate. We forced ourselves to leave each other and get in our cars and leave.
Today is going change allot but as scared as I was of change I'm kind of excited to see what this one change brings.

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